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Political Rot

By Judie Brown

Deteriorating political situations do not occur in a vacuum. Flawed men and women who create such scenes have been doing so since the beginning of time. And as we know, that could be any one of us, as no one is perfect.

In the political realm, these human flaws have been an integral part of political activity for as long as competition between human beings has been around. Consider, for example, Shakespeare’s scene involving the stabbing of Julius Caesar. The treachery of that moment was perpetrated not merely by one man but by many senators, disgusted with their emperor’s arrogance. Yet at the same time they were rotting within themselves. Their own thirst for power drove the narrative then, in a play, as it does for those today in political life—and in every facet of life.

A recent example is found in the Christian Post where a headline reads, “How Abortion Corrupted the Democratic Party.” The writer references the words of Catholic prelate Robert Barron, telling readers, “According to Bishop Barron, this year’s Democratic National Convention represents the ‘appalling declension’ of a party that once admitted that abortion was tragic or at least regrettable. No more. Abortion is to be celebrated, even given away like candy at a parade.”

Contrast this honest assessment of the Democratic party with the reality festering in the Republican party right now! The Hill published a story entitled “Trump’s All Over the Place on Abortion. Or Maybe He Just Doesn’t Care,” while Fox News suggests that the Trump position in favor of in vitro fertilization is splitting opinions among pro-life Americans.

And for those who point out the flaws in Trump’s current line of illogical thinking, his campaign fires back that respected pro-life leaders like Lila Rose are giving “tacit endorsement” to the Democrats by suggesting that Trump’s positions are no longer pro-life. But as Rose logically points out, “No one owns the pro-life vote. . . . It has to be earned.”

Considering this tragic state of affairs, we must restate what we have said repeatedly: Abortion is not a political issue; it is an act that kills someone.

While we recognize the role that politics has to play in the quest to end the killing and restore legal and cultural protection to every innocent human being, we have never thought it was the only way to teach truth. In fact, politics is perhaps the most deficient way to do so, as indicated by the troubling arguments currently infecting both political parties.

The truth is, without honesty and factual science leading the way, there is no hope for a moment to occur when the nation stands up and says no more killing by any means, not now, not ever! That can only happen when America proclaims unapologetically that personhood begins when the human being begins at fertilization. This is not a debate topic, it is not a political label, it is a scientific fact.

Until our citizens, lawmakers, and judges stop to examine this fact and act accordingly, the blood will continue to ebb and slowly destroy the United States. Evidence of this lies in the recent action by the Sixth Circuit Court of appeals, which ruled that the state of Tennessee is not eligible for Title X funding. Tennessee “defended its policy and refused to back down, causing the federal government to declare . . . that continuing Tennessee’s Title X money was ‘not in the best interest of the government.’”

This begs a question: Why is killing babies who are preparing to be born in the best interest of government?

The answer is clear: Political rot reigns supreme, no matter how high the body count has to rise. As Randall Smith explains, “‘If the Bible says don’t kill but protect the “little ones,” then I had better “gird my loins,” stop thinking like man does rather than as God does and bid Satan to get behind me.’ Then at least I could say: ‘I didn’t vote for those murderous bastards.’”