We need Judie’s timeless wisdom now more than ever!

Die Baby Die
By Judie Brown If this title shocks you because of the implication that someone is salivating over the coming death of a baby, it may interest you to know that every single exception to abortion is an expression of this battle cry. This is so because when a lawmaker adds the words “except for life of the mother, rape, incest, or fetal deformity” to a legislative proposal, that politician is...
Grave and Serious Melodrama
By Judie Brown The headline reads “‘Grave and Serious Moment’ for Reproductive Rights.” If ever there were a more oxymoronic statement, please advise. But before you do, think about the following: Grave is a place of burial or an important matter. Serious is defined...
Praying for Mercy at Thanksgiving
By Judie Brown St. John Paul II once said, “Like Saint Faustina, we wish to proclaim that apart from the mercy of God there is no other source of hope for mankind. We desire to repeat with faith: Jesus, I trust in You!” As we prepare for Thanksgiving with family and...
Remembering Olga Fairfax
Pictured: Olga Fairfax and Jack Ames By Judie Brown Paul and I first met Olga at a pro-life conference in 1981. She was, as my mother-in-law would say, an “odd duck.” She wore hats and never introduced herself as a Methodist minister; instead, she proudly stated her...
Light Up the World with Love
By Judie Brown Those of us who are committed to defending the preborn know that man is created in the image of God, even if today’s politicians uphold the lesser view that most people do not deserve the right to exist, to develop, and to be welcomed into the world....
‘Thanks, Birth Control Day’ Invents Facts
By Judie Brown According to anti-life organizers and leaders, including Dr. Raegan McDonald-Mosley, the chief medical officer of Planned Parenthood of Maryland, this past November 14 was “Thanks, Birth Control Day.” In honor of its self-serving announcement, Ms....
A Spoonful of Murder
By Judie Brown If you recall Mary Poppins’ lovely song “A Spoonful of Sugar,” you know that it is wise advice to sweeten the taste buds when using sour medicine. A similar concept is used today but in a tragic manner. I was reminded of this when I learned that some...