By Judie Brown
If this title shocks you because of the implication that someone is salivating over the coming death of a baby, it may interest you to know that every single exception to abortion is an expression of this battle cry. This is so because when a lawmaker adds the words “except for life of the mother, rape, incest, or fetal deformity” to a legislative proposal, that politician is providing reasons to kill an innocent preborn baby.
This just occurred in West Virginia. Senate majority whip Jay Taylor had proposed legislation that would remove rape and incest exceptions from the law. But the minute he chose to withdraw his proposal, it was expunged from the official record of that state’s legislative website.
Taylor’s statement says he found his proposal unrealistic. He claims that many of his supporters were offended, which might be the case, but what about the babies?
Attempting to defend Taylor, a media report states, “Despite withdrawing his bill, Taylor said he stood by its contents as he believes life begins at conception.”
Taylor himself said, “I never meant it to be anything about the rape and incest. I meant it to be about the baby. . . . I’m pro-life. I believe life begins at conception, and I don’t think two wrongs make a right.”
But in politics, at least from our perspective, his position is exactly why abortion continues under protection of law in this nation. Refusing to acknowledge that abortion is wrong all cases, Taylor takes a ride on that slippery slope that has defined pro-life politics for decades.
If Taylor honestly intended to protect babies prior to birth, his proposals would say so. They would not specify when killing the baby is wrong; they would simply state that every preborn child is a human being. End of story.
When Senate Bill 51 was removed from the state legislative website, that act alone connoted a political frame of reference, exposing the underbelly of such politics. Better for folks never to know the truth, which was that the bill did permit aborting children in certain cases, including when the embryo or fetus was nonviable or when a medical emergency occurred.
This case, one in hundreds that has occurred over the years, epitomizes what is wrong with so-called pro-life politics. Human beings are not issues; human beings are people. But the debates about contraception and abortion, which have been rife since the early 1960s when the first abortifacient birth control pill was legally protected, are intense in a way that is diabolical.
Every abortifacient is designed to induce abortion—to kill a baby.
But when the preborn child is perceived to be the enemy, then any act that defeats the foe is not only useful but demanded. So if we really want to know why little babies have become adversaries to so many, perhaps we should ask what it is about that baby that is so very threatening.
While books have been written on this topic, we must remember this fact: God is the Author of Life.
Thus, when a culture consistently froths at the mouth for innovative ways to eliminate pregnancy by executing babies, we have assuredly entered the realm of demonic possession. The devil is wreaking havoc in our midst.
So as we pray and work toward an end to this bloody war, we also ask the Lord to drive out the evil from our midst.
We trust in God, knowing that proponents of this awful cry—“die baby, die”—will not have the last word.