By Judie Brown
Loons are people who have fallen for the deceptions of the world. They have become fools for the evil one rather than fools for Christ’s sake. As we see in our day, when large numbers of them exist, the chances for mayhem to ensue are endless.
In order to gain power, they instigate, making use of popular prejudices and false claims. We might also call such a person wicked or sorely misguided. No matter which adjective you use, the result is deception parading as truth. Today that pretty much describes most of what we see and hear.
A case in point is that of Catherine Humphreville, senior staff attorney for Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She is asserting that the fetal heartbeat law should be interpreted in such a way that abortion can be executed through the first nine weeks of pregnancy. Her opinion is that since pro-life folks are seeking legal protection once a preborn child’s heartbeat is detected, any abortion performed prior to that time should be acceptable. Humphreville says:
The act itself doesn’t specify a gestational age at which it bans abortion. And so we think after nine weeks is the better construction because of what the ban itself calls for, and so you don’t have what’s going to become a heart until after nine weeks, you don’t have a fetus until after nine weeks, and you don’t have steady, repetitive, rhythmic, contractions of what’s going to become the heart until that point.
The simple question for Humphreville is, what do you think existed before that magical ninth week of not a human being? There are no arbitrary lines that we humans can draw to delineate when we acknowledge a person and when we refuse to admit that she exists!
Only a loon would make such a preposterous statement.
The headlines are full of such quirks, including this British news report headline: “Infant Mortality Rises in US States with Abortion Bans, Study Finds.” On the one hand we have a living human being growing within her mother, and on the other hand we have a dead child after the abortion is completed. This is common sense.
But the headline suggests that infants die because abortion is not allowed, when in fact abortion causes infant mortality to rise. Scientific articles define infant mortality as deaths caused by miscarriages and stillbirths. Such sources do not include induced abortion, an intentional act that kills someone. This is so because laws do not acknowledge that an expectant mother is carrying a human being within her body.
This truth is obscured by an ongoing cultural decision to ignore the person who dies every time an abortion is completed.
Thus, there are no accurate statistics about infant mortality prior to birth because the very same folks who report on the subject do not acknowledge the millions of babies killed by abortion.
Again, the loons are in charge, but they are in that position because America has bought the abortion lie.
Honesty, on the other hand, requires us to reflect on a simple truth about ourselves and every member of the human family. Each of us is an individual person.
Welcoming the stranger begins with affirming those whose lives are dependent on their mothers for survival not only after birth, but most importantly, before birth. Just like the immigrant, the preborn person is one of us.
Archbishop Cordileone recently wrote, “Regardless of legal status, migrants, like all persons, possess inherent human dignity that should be respected. Often, they are subject to punitive laws and harsh treatment from both receiving and transit countries. Government policies that respect the basic human rights of the undocumented are necessary.”
“Like all persons” should include every human being in the family of man. Each of them, from the first cell until death, deserves respect because each of them possesses inherent human dignity.
The loons do not accept this truth, which means that everyday folks like you and me have to make it our mission to never cease sharing the facts with everyone. You see, the loons say this is only our opinion, but the reality is that when someone who has supported abortion finally confronts truth, the scales fall from their eyes.
And just like Saul, the truth is made crystal clear, and lunacy is abandoned.