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Faith, Contraception, and Goblins

By Judie Brown

Ever since the Trump administration rolled back the Obama birth control mandate, feminists in America have gone berserk.

In the ensuing weeks, many have lost sight of the facts. Trump did not prohibit employers from providing birth control coverage. Rather, the Trump administration announced that employers will be “exempt from the federal requirement to provide insurance coverage for abortion-causing drugs in their health insurance plans if it conflicts with their sincerely held religious or moral beliefs.” This move is far from what the media is telling us, so let’s set the record straight this Halloween and put these goblins to rest.

It was not until 1966, when President Lyndon Baines Johnson launched his “war on poverty,” that the government dipped its toe into the water and began talking about birth control. And just four short years later Title X was signed into law and federal dollars started paying for it. It was President Richard Nixon who said: “It is my view that no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition. I believe, therefore, that we should establish as a national goal the provision of adequate family planning services within the next five years to all those who want them but cannot afford them. This we have the capacity to do.”

According to Nixon, the target audience was the poor. At that time there was no intention of providing taxpayer support to all American women through laws that would mandate that employers pay for contraception. Further, there was no policy discriminating against employers with strongly held moral convictions. All of that unfolded in the intervening years culminating in the Obama action of 2013.

So, the fact that Trump tried to bring some semblance of sanity back into play by allowing employers to use their common sense and ethical framework in deciding whether or not to provide birth control coverage is really very logical, and, as such, should be welcome news. But as headlines across America announce, nobody is happy, especially screaming feminists. The Women’s Equality Center has even set up a web-based system whereby women can send the bills for their birth control to the president.

Even though so-called Catholic former house speaker Nancy Pelosi argues that providing contraceptive coverage at taxpayer expense is a “value” that shows “respect” for women, contraception should not be a question of public policy. In truth, taxpayers have no business paying for any type of recreational drug or device designed not to treat an illness but rather to enable promiscuous sexual activity and abortion. That is the crux of what birth control is all about.

I agree with what commentator Matt Walsh brilliantly wrote when he said:

If you want birth control, spend the 15 bucks a month and buy it yourself (hint: that’s about an 1/8 of your monthly cell phone bill, also a fraction of your cable bill, a fraction of what you spend on smoothies and Starbucks coffee, a fraction of your entertainment budget, a fraction of your alcohol expenditures and a fraction of what you spent on your TV, your clothes, your computer, and your iPhone). Or find a job that will provide it. Or don’t have sex. Or have sex and don’t use it.

Want the government out of your sex life? Stop asking them to subsidize it. Stop asking them to force employers to subsidize it. Stop making your sex habits into a public issue.

This current controversy brings to mind the truth that our culture rejects. Sexual pleasure has become the only thing that matters in our world where God has been rejected and man has become his own god.

Yet throughout all of this, we must remember the reality. We know that contraception devastates marriages. We know that it kills preborn babies. And we know that it destroys love. We cannot deny these things.

Though we may celebrate Halloween and may even enjoy the spooky aspects of the day, we must never embrace the goblins present in our society that seek to poison.

The antidote is truth!


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image: biggerbyfar via flickr | CC-2.0