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Dead Babies and Relevant Political Facts

By Judie Brown

One of the most misleading, yet relevant, publications of the left is Ms. magazine, founded by Gloria Steinem in 1971. As a leading feminist of her time, Steinem had a penchant for dramatic statements and an absolute disdain for women who wanted to pattern their lives after the Blessed Virgin Mary instead of her concept of what it takes to be a feminist.

Steinem famously said, “No wonder male religious leaders so often say that humans were born in sin—because we were born to female creatures. Only by obeying the rules of the patriarchy can we be reborn through men. No wonder priests and ministers in skirts sprinkle imitation birth fluid over our heads, give us new names, and promise rebirth into everlasting life.”

Regarding her abortion, Steinem said during an interview, “I had an abortion, and actually, 1 in 3 American women had needed an abortion at some time in her life, so why is this illegal? And why is it dangerous?”

Most interesting, of course, is that her abortion happened in England in 1957, which is perhaps one of the reasons why her vociferous attitude toward Truth enables her to proclaim that “without the right of women and men to make decisions about our own bodies, there is no democracy.”

No wonder to this very day the editors of Ms. proclaim, “For 50 years, Ms. has been forging feminist journalism—reporting, rebelling and truth-telling from the front lines, championing the Equal Rights Amendment, and centering the stories of those most impacted.”

Another mistress of this farcical feminist humbug is Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris. Walking in the footsteps of her feminist forebears, Harris is lying through her teeth! As Tucker Carlson said, “She’s much more skillful than I have ever seen. She’s a liar on the deepest level. The things she is saying right now are not just untrue—they’re the opposite of the truth, which is the hallmark of evil.”

While American political leaders who demonize preborn children are not all women, in recent days we have seen the emergence of a disquieting sense that our country is in the grips of deluded ideals of what it means to be a woman, formerly touted by the likes of Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro. Like Steinem and Harris, Clinton, and Ferraro stepped out of their God-given gift of femininity to pursue equality with men by denying that preborn women, and men, deserve equality because all are created by God.

To date, the 51-year history of decriminalized abortion has rendered this country devoid of so many millions of citizens that it is incomprehensible. The tired term slippery slope has given way to hell on earth.

Digging our way out of this mess requires renewed faith, hope, and reliance on the gifts that the Lord has given to us for such a time as this. Creating a culture of life is the goal, and on our way toward it we set aside the world’s agenda and focus on a single truth. We are the people of life. For us the goal has never changed. We are people who work to save the babies and defy the decadent politics of our day.

Therefore, we embrace these words of St. John Paul II: “There can be no true democracy without a recognition of every person’s dignity and without respect for his or her rights. Nor can there be true peace unless life is defended and promoted.”