The Culture of Life Studies Program’s annual pro-life essay contest began in 2017 and is now held annually during Respect Life Month in October. Cosponsored by the Institute for Excellence in Writing, this contest, traditionally for middle schoolers and older, gives children the opportunity to share their knowledge and thoughts about pro-life topics. And it’s a great way for them to win incredible prizes!
2023 Essay PROMPTS
High School
Cura personalis is an Ignatian (from the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola) spirituality concept that means “care for the whole person.” This concept reminds us to care for all aspects of a human being (physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually) rather than just one. It means that we have to care for the entire person, including his or her soul. How can you use this concept to care for single moms and their babies? Describe some concrete ways that you can support single moms and their children while helping them understand their value.
Write 500 words responding to the essay prompt.
Middle School
Moral courage is vital in today’s society. Standing up for your pro-life beliefs requires moral courage. Imagine that you have a friend who believes that a woman has a “right” to abortion. How would you defend the preborn baby to her and explain that the baby has a right to life?
Write 500 words responding to the essay prompt.
Congratulations to our 2023 winners!
High School
1st Place: Adriana Wendling
“Cura Personalis: More Than a Concept“
St. Ignatius Loyola: A Thought for Each Day of the Year
Publication in Celebrate Life Magazine
Year’s subscription to Celebrate Life Magazine
Publication on the Culture of Life Studies Program’s website
Pro-life T-shirt
Blessed Chiara Luce Badano lesson
Pro-life goodies (pins, stickers, etc.)
2nd Place: Zoe Berthiaume
“Valued Yet Vulnerable: Caring for Single Moms and Their Babies“
The Classic Autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola
Publication on the Culture of Life Studies Program’s website
Pro-life T-shirt
Blessed Chiara Luce Badano lesson
Pro-life goodies (pins, stickers, etc.)
3rd Place: Tristan Green
“Cura Personalis and Single Mothers“
The Autobiography of St. Ignatius
Publication on the Culture of Life Studies Program’s website
Blessed Chiara Luce Badano lesson
Pro-life goodies (pins, stickers, etc.)
Honorable Mention: Isabelle Ohlhaut
“Cura Personalis“
The Autobiography of St. Ignatius
Publication on the Culture of Life Studies Program’s website
Middle School
1st Place: NoaRose Rogers
“A Woman’s Right to Life“
Publication in Celebrate Life Magazine
Year’s subscription to Celebrate Life Magazine
Publication on the Culture of Life Studies Program’s website
Pro-life T-shirt
St. John Bosco lesson
Pro-life goodies (pins, stickers, etc.)
2nd Place: Amy Rogers
“A Right to Life“
Publication on the Culture of Life Studies Program’s website
Pro-life T-shirt
St. John Bosco lesson
Pro-life goodies (pins, stickers, etc.)
3rd Place: Audrey Doscher
“The Right to Life“
Publication on the Culture of Life Studies Program’s website
St. John Bosco lesson
Pro-life goodies (pins, stickers, etc.)
Honorable Mention: Augustine Rogers
“Created in the Image of God“
Publication on the Culture of Life Studies Program’s website