Tomorrow Is the Day
Pray diligently, pray often, and tomorrow pray at Planned Parenthood.
Pray diligently, pray often, and tomorrow pray at Planned Parenthood.
Pray for our bishops, for Christ’s truth to be seen, and for strength for people like those at The Center for Medical Progress who dare stand up to a Goliath.
American Life League continues to stress the importance of keeping taxpayer money out of the hands of Planned Parenthood, and California signs away lives.
Has someone told you that you are anti-woman because you are pro-life? Watch this video to learn how to respond.
If you haven’t been as active in the pro-life movement as you’d like, October is the perfect time to show others your devotion to babies. We show you how.
Debate continues about taxpayer funding of the largest abortion provider in the nation. When will our lawmakers wake up and see the evil?
If you don’t speak up, then who will? Join thousands of pro-lifers in demonstrating that all human beings are valuable.
Not content to stay quiet, ALL speaks out about birth control, Planned Parenthood, and Cecile Richards.
Though often we suffer setbacks, we must persevere and go to Our Lord in prayer beseeching His help.
When an organization like American Life League tells the truth and presents the facts, some people get angry.
We pray for the Holy Father and we seek his hand in fighting Planned Parenthood.
Teaching kids the importance of respecting life, in all of its stages, can be great fun!