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Ignorant Slaves

Pattharamon Janbua is a surrogate mother who carried twins for an Australian couple. Upon learning that one of the twins had Down syndrome, the couple pressed Janbua to get an abortion. She refused and the couple chose to abandon that child and take only the healthy baby.

Another Georgetown Outrage

What has happened to childhood? What has happened to respect for families and their abilities to teach children morality? And why should an institute, let alone a Catholic institute, recommend introducing concepts and material regarding sexuality to very young children? It boggles the mind and sickens the soul. Instead of forcing our children to grow up so fast, we should be encouraging them to enjoy their childhoods and preparing them for a life with Christ.

Mothers against Children

In our selfish world, we see motherhood scoffed at, we see babies thought of with disdain and discarded. We see people show more concern for the well-being of animals than for human life. It’s a sickness that has slowly crept into the mindsets of people young and old and it’s a sickness we must find a cure for if we are ever going to break this cycle and make people understand that the lives of all human beings are sacred.

Horror, Exile, and Death

Atrocities against human beings occur every day worldwide. Often we hear an outcry when an offense is especially egregious. But what could be more egregious than the wanton slaughtering of innocent babies or than the premature death of those who are ill? Let us examine the actions, or the inactions, of our daily lives. Souls are at stake.

I Am Not a Rug!

Animals, especially those that are threatened or endangered, deserve our care and protection. But we must not close our eyes to humanity to life that grows within a woman’s womb. Defenseless babies are regularly killed and discarded without much thought or concern. It is time to stop their slaughter.

God Is Not Welcome Here

Like a small child who tells his parent, I can do it myself man has repeatedly pushed God away. We seem to be telling God the same thing, yet it’s not just independence we want from Him; it’s autonomy and control. We are telling God we have no use for Him any longer. We now see the destruction this causes in lives, in families, in society. When will it end?

The Not-So-Great British Influence

The lack of respect for life exists not only in America, but in other countries as well. We see this in a recent assisted suicide proposal and in the widespread support for it in England. It seems the culture of death epidemic knows no boundaries.

Wireless Birth Control Is No Fantasy

It seems that organizations are so anxious to provide birth control to women that they are even willing to now use microchips implanted in the human body to dispense it. It may sound crazy or futuristic, but it may become reality. Imagine the implications of doling out a hormone with just a remote control.

Modern Day Eugenics

If you have not heard of eugenics or do not understand the word’s meaning, it is imperative that you learn. Throughout the world, individuals and organizations have adopted the attitudes and practices that some people are better than others and are working hard to push this belief on those easily swayed. They do not understand the sanctity of each and every life. They do not understand that every life is a gift. This is why education is important.

Rushing the Innocent to Die

The culture of death is increasingly prevalent in today’s society and around the world. It can be seen in the lack of respect and dignity shown for preborn babies, for the sick, and for the dying. But this need not be the case. For those who do not have voices, we must speak. For those who do have voices, we must augment them so they are heard. Life is precious. Life is a gift. It is not for us to take away from anyone.