SOFIA: she is a miracle!
For those of you who love reading about the wonders of faith, the beauty of life and the blessings of motherhood, you can find it all in the heartwarming story of Sofia Alomia
For those of you who love reading about the wonders of faith, the beauty of life and the blessings of motherhood, you can find it all in the heartwarming story of Sofia Alomia
While adolescents need information on the risks of unprotected sex, they also benefit from discussions surrounding sexuality, desire, and pleasure.
An interesting contrast appeared in the press today. Melanie Scarborough discussed the miracle baby born in Lousiana after doctors rescued frozen embryos in the aftermath of Katrina.
We will march on Monday, we will pray, we will protest and we will charitably engage our opposition in discussion about the reality of what every single abortion does to the child.
I fondly recall the day in 1974 when Humberto Cardinal Medeiros told the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, “As for an amendment which would generally prohibit abortion but permit it in certain exceptional circumstances
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, along comes another layer of bricks in the wall the culture of death is building in an effort to deconstruct our nation.
In his most recent column, “Ritter now faces the hard part of governorship: governing.”
Just a little reminder for those of you who not receive the Wednesday report from Stop Planned Parenthood International.
Every once in a while something amazing happens, and I love telling people about it.
I know you have heard that the U.S. House of Representatives just vote in favor of spending more tax payer dollars on human embryonic stem cell research, a vote that was not really a surprise, I might add.
Very early in my life I learned a valuable lesson: when you manipulate the truth, you not only distort the subject you are discussing but you bring shame upon yourself as well.
No sooner did we comment on the great news about stem cells from amniotic fluid than the lead researcher in that effor