IPS And The USCCB: A Bad Formula
I have just finished looking at the latest advertisement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, entitled “Science is moving on.
I have just finished looking at the latest advertisement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, entitled “Science is moving on.
It has come as a surprise to some that the Pontifical Academy for Life is co-hosting a November 2008 conference with the theme A Gift for Life.
At a young age, many women start imagining who their Prince Charming will be: what he’ll look like, what interests he’ll have, if he’ll have a sense of humor and so forth.
I don’t know how this nation continues to move forward when so many grisly things are occurring right under our noses and are being paid for with taxpayer dollars.
I don’t know about you, but if I hear one more promise of change, it may be the straw that ends my association with newspapers and television until after the first week of November.
When a friend told me about the Science Olympiad, my first reaction was that this is a wonderful way to get young people into the habit of thinking for themselves, enjoying the pursuit of scientific inquiry and generally exploring areas that might otherwise be unattractive to them.
The California legislature has decided that the state should push patients to choose being put to death as their preferred healthcare option. That is the way I read the “Terminal Patients’ Right to Know End of Life Options Act”, also known as Assembly Bill 2747.
When you look up the word bop in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, you find that, when used as a verb, the word is defined as “hit” or “sock.”
I was very intrigued by a few news reports that crossed my “e-mail desk” this week. I guess that’s how you have to view e-mail these days – few write you a real letter anymore, and everyone who does send e-mail wants a response immediately.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is, as we know, an avowed proponent of aborting innocent preborn children, and for that she makes no apologies.
In the midst of all the clamoring, posturing and bickering of the election season, it is easy to get swept up in discussions on how to vote, if one should vote and why it is important to vote.
As you may know, I have been on vacation for a few weeks and have tried to write blogs when computer access is available.