Deadly Healthcare Rationale
Sometimes the strangest things pop up in the news and one is left wondering why they weren’t front page material from one end of this nation to the other.
Sometimes the strangest things pop up in the news and one is left wondering why they weren’t front page material from one end of this nation to the other.
Paula Gianino, CEO of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis region, is having a real problem with the effort to achieve legal recognition of personhood for all human beings—born and preborn.
Washington, D.C. (10 September 2010) – American Life League has revealed that Planned Parenthood Federation of America committed 324,008 abortions in 2008 – a 6.1-percent increase over 2007,… Read More »Planned Parenthood Drastically Increases Abortions, Decreases Adoption Referrals in 2008
I have followed the history of certain abortion practitioners over the years because it troubles me that the mainstream media consistently avoid the horror stories often resulting from their “clinical” activities.
Merriam-Webster defines telemedicine as “the practice of medicine when the doctor and patient are widely separated using two-way voice and visual communication (as by satellite or computer).”
Recent days have exposed yet another bloodthirsty side of the Obama Administration’s culture of death agenda.
Washington, D.C. (07 September 2010) – American Life League president Judie Brown welcomed the newest addition to its family of Associate groups: American Life League of… Read More »New ALL Associate Group Works for Recognition of Human Personhood in AZ
James Jay Lee’s fifteen minutes of fame, which actually lasted four hours, ended with his death.
Many years ago we learned that Princeton’s own Professor Peter Singer had devised a method by which to excuse some human persons from the human race and welcome into it other entities which were in fact animals
Planned Parenthood tries to stamp out pro-abstinence “infiltrators” at United Nations Conference on Youth Last week we told you about the United Nations World Conference… Read More »September 1, 2010 STOPP Report
Washington, D.C. (02 September 2010) – American Life League president Judie Brown congratulates the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction on its 25th… Read More »Pope Paul VI Institute: Building a Culture of Life in Health Care for 25 Years
Washington, D.C. (02 September 2010) – American Life League had a run-in with the man identified as James Jay Lee, the Discovery Channel gunman, at the… Read More »Discovery Channel Gunman Taped, Debated ALL Protestors During ‘Protest the Pill Day’