Methotrexate: Pharmacist Error
An error occurred at a Safeway pharmacy in which methotrexate, a drug used for chemotherapy, treatment of severe inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, and abortions, was dispensed to a pregnant woman.
An error occurred at a Safeway pharmacy in which methotrexate, a drug used for chemotherapy, treatment of severe inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, and abortions, was dispensed to a pregnant woman.
Historically, since the infamous Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton United States Supreme Court decisions, abortion profiteers have disproportionately targeted the black population for its so-called reproductive health services—three code words for surgical abortion, medical abortion and chemical abortion.
Today is Valentine’s Day, a day set aside in America to celebrate “love,” though in today’s culture love has meanings perhaps never conceived by the original St.
Once again our nation has been rocked by a terrible act of senseless violence—the shooting in Tucson, Arizona, in which several were wounded, including a member of Congress, and several others were killed, including a federal judge and a beautiful little nine-year-old girl.
Because it may be confusing to follow the quotes of the various writers when compared to the actual text of the Church documents, all citations from Church teaching are highlighted in red font.
Here is the sentence from Dignitas Personae, which immediately follows why these “grave reasons may be morally proportionate”:
It is a slight nuance, between what May wrote and what Dignitas Personae actually stated, but it’s an important one.
Two articles have emerged in the past month by Senior Fellow William E. May at the Culture of Life Foundation, which seem to be causing confusion and consternation for Catholics, where none existed before.
A recent news report in the National Catholic Reporter has left me saddened and upset.
Gosnell is accused of taking the lives of seven babies born alive and he overdosed a young woman who died at his hands.
Gosnell is accused of taking the lives of seven babies born alive and he overdosed a young woman who died at his hands.
This famous poem by Yeats (1865-1939), a Nobel laureate, was written in the aftermath of World War I and during major upheavals in Russia.