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My Cup Is Half Full

By Mark Pickup
The theme for Mass [last] Nov. 25, the feast of Christ the King, may seem more suited to the weeks leading to Easter than the weeks leading to Christmas.

The Down Syndrome Community’s Abortion Rift

By Matthew Hennessey
It all comes down to abortion. That’s what my late father-in-law always said. No philosophical disagreement, no policy debate, no theological quibble rivals our fundamental and unbridgeable divide on the question of abortion.

Where Was God?

By Mike Huckabee
I’ve said some controversial things from time to time, but none which prompted such a backlash as when I stated that the horrific shooting in Connecticut of schoolchildren and teachers couldn’t be blamed on God because we’ve systematically marginalized God out of our culture by removing Him from all aspects of the public square.

Can a Man Die Twice? The Problem with ‘Brain Death’

By Philip F. Lawler
Boxer Hector Camacho died on [November 24, 2012], his doctor said. “His death was reported by Dr. Ernesto Torres, the director of the Centro Medico trauma center in Puerto Rico, who said Camacho had a heart attack and died a short time later after being taken off life support.”

Election 2012: A Church Gone Astray

By Louie Verrecchio
In the days following [November’s] U.S. presidential election, a staggering amount of analysis has been focused on Republican messaging, demographics, and core constituencies, but it misses the most fundamental point entirely.