The Worth of a Human Life
By Rob Gasper
It is difficult to wrap our heads around abortion and what it means on a societal level.
By Rob Gasper
It is difficult to wrap our heads around abortion and what it means on a societal level.
By Camille Giglio
California, a state with an aging population, falling birth rates, and rising welfare rolls, now has a super majority of Democrats in the state legislature with a Democrat as governor.
By Archbishop Samuel Aquila
This pastoral letter was written for the anniversary of Roe v. Wade in January.
By Dr. Levon R. Yuille
As I reflect upon the journey of black Americans, it is obvious that we as a people have a history that is filled with many trials, tribulations, and defeats.
By Pastor Stephen Broden
We are now well into the month that is celebrated as “Black History Month.
By Phil Lawler
Cardinal Sean O’Malley is certainly right to call for fasting and prayer . . . as we [recently observed] the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
By Dr. Alveda King
When President Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 21—Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—he placed his hand on Bibles once owned by my uncle, Reverend King, and by President Abraham Lincoln, the great emancipator.
By Ken Connor
During the 2012 election season, the American people were subjected to hundreds of campaign ads.
By Jennifer Fulwiler
When I was younger, I was always particularly shocked when I heard about societies where it was common to abandon or kill unwanted newborns.
By Mark Pickup
The theme for Mass [last] Nov. 25, the feast of Christ the King, may seem more suited to the weeks leading to Easter than the weeks leading to Christmas.
By Kenneth D. Whitehead
You don’t have to go out of your way today to be confronted with the subject of contraception.
By Matthew Hennessey
It all comes down to abortion. That’s what my late father-in-law always said. No philosophical disagreement, no policy debate, no theological quibble rivals our fundamental and unbridgeable divide on the question of abortion.