Has Assisted Suicide Been Scratched from the Progressive Agenda?
By Michael Cook
This powerful TV ad against Question 2 [available on original website at http://www.bioedge.org/index.php/bioethics/bioethics_article/10307] may have swayed voters.
By Michael Cook
This powerful TV ad against Question 2 [available on original website at http://www.bioedge.org/index.php/bioethics/bioethics_article/10307] may have swayed voters.
By Kurt Kondrich
[Recently] I read a very disturbing article titled “New Prenatal Test Is Bringing Eugenics Back to Germany,” and I could not help but think of the famous quote from American philosopher George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
By Chelsea Zimmerman
I have been reading Pope Benedict’s latest encyclical, Spe Salvi, which I am surprisingly enjoying (I wasn’t sure if it would be too philosophical and intellectual for me—I have never read anything of his before). It is actually very reader friendly and insightful.
By Dr. Patrick Lee
In the last decade or so there has been a shift in the kind of argument usually advanced by abortion advocates.
By Wesley J. Smith
Sometimes an article cuts through the fog of public debate and discourse to capture the true essence of a movement or belief system.
By Jeffrey Mirus
We’ve been fighting legal abortion with little or no success for a very long generation now, and we’ve rightly regarded it as a horrific scourge, a massive breakdown of the public order
By Stephen E. Broden
Eugenics is alive and well and, in more cases than not, blacks are their targets. In 2005, Life Issues Institute completed a study that concluded there is a strategic intent behind Planned Parenthood’s placement of its abortion facilities.
The author wrote this article for a persuasive speech she gave in her advanced-placement English class in her junior year of high school. Her grade was 48 out of 50 (two points were deducted only for voice clarity, not content).
Father’s Day is this Sunday. I am a father. I have a daughter and lost a son. I know that fatherhood can be joyous or bewildering or even painful.
Imagine yourself, a senior in college, sitting in the middle of your dream medical-school interview. Because you have done your homework, the interview is going exceedingly well. You seem to have established a rapport with the interviewer, and your answers are crisp, clear, and intelligent. It’s going so well that you are starting to feel confident regarding your chances of gaining admission.
In opposition is broadcaster and columnist Michael Coren and in support is Dr. Gifford-Jones. The main focus of “Do They Deserve to be Born?” is on a set of twins, now six months old, conjoined at the head.
Semantics (from Greek sêmantiká, neuter plural of sêmantikós) is the study of the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text.