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What Did You Think Would Happen?

By Hugh R. Brown
It’s ironic to watch the American Catholic bishops and our Church being devoured by those they fear, by the very people whose potential scorn and criticism have such power over so many of these men that the very thought of being labeled or persecuted by them seems to frighten them into practically abandoning Christ.

The CCHD, Wendy Davis, and the Obama connection

By Rey Flores
On November 23 and 24, 2013, we will once again be hearing from a declining number of wayward priests and bishops across the country to contribute to the annual Catholic Campaign for Human Development, more commonly known as the CCHD collection.

Praying for a More Pastoral Approach

By Rob Gasper
Certain words and phrases like “social justice,” “pastoral,” and “felt banner” set off alarm bells when heard by traditional-minded Catholics.

The Most Undervalued Argument in the Pro-Life Movement

By Josh Brahm
One of the best parts of my job is the work I do partnering with Justice For All. Right to Life of Central California has actually replicated the JFA program, so I’ve spent four years being trained by Steve Wagner to do many of the things he does for JFA in Wichita, from facilitating seminars and outreaches to coaching mentors.

Obamacare: A Poor Deal for My Family

By Robert Hutchinson
Ready or not, Obamacare is finally here. Polls show that most Americans remain highly skeptical of the law’s benefits. According to a new CNN/ORC International survey released October 1, less than one in five Americans say their families will be better off under the new healthcare law.