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Communique – Oct. 6, 2000


REPORTING ON PRO-LIFE TACTICS: Political Research Associates has issued a lengthy report entitled “Reproducing Patriarchy: Reproductive Rights Under Siege.” The document purports to assess pro-life maneuvers.

SECOND ABORTION: Commenting on the case of a 26-year-old woman with a second abortion, a physician writes that to imply “that because the patient had sexual intercourse out of wedlock resulting in pregnancy, the physician had not adequately counseled her about healthy lifestyle changes” is wrong. He says “While providing ample information is crucial, patients must decide for themselves what is right for them. Physicians need to respect their patients’ choices and not judge them.”

COMMENT: Physicians need to respect life first. That is not judgmental, but rather ethical.

(Reading: “A 26-Year-Old Woman with a Second Abortion,” Journal of the American Medical Association, 9/13/00, p.1244)


SEX QUESTIONNAIRE: In a recent letter, leaders of the abstinence-until-marriage education campaign point out concerns they have about the content of a federally-funded questionnaire being used to ascertain effectiveness of abstinence-only education versus sex education. Chairman of the group, Dr. John Diggs, says “some of the people involved in this sex survey have freely admitted they would not give this test to their own children.”

(Reading: “Kids’ Sex Questionnaire Called Invasive and Racist,” Abstinence Clearinghouse E-mail Update, 9/29/00)

TEEN CHILDBEARING: A recent report analyzes the declining rate of teen birth to unwed mothers. Researchers comment, “The pro-choice media elites want to trumpet these changes as evidence that the ‘beneficial’ effects of sex education, condom distribution and legalized abortion are at long last being realized.” But the report points out the fallacy in that argument.

(Reading: “Drop in Teen Childbearing: A Ray of Hope,” Data Digest, Beverly LaHaye Institute, Vol. 1, No. 3)

chemical abortion

CATHOLIC BISHOPS: Philippine bishops warned, “Women who take the abortion drug RU-486 and other similar ‘morning after pills’ will be considered automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church.” The American bishops have not addressed the subject of excommunication as of this writing.

(Reading: “Abortion Pill Leads To Instant Excommunication: Philippine Bishops,” 10/4/00, Agence France-Presse)


COMA RECOVERY ASSOCIATION: For information about the work of this non-profit organization dedicated to getting people out of coma and helping those who are recovering, call 516-997-1826 and request information.


TITLE X: Congressman Tom Coburn, M.D., recently told his peers, “We have had Title X clinics for 25 years in this country. We have been teaching ‘safe sex’ for 25 years. We are the highest nation in the world in sexually transmitted diseases; nobody comes close to us. We will have 15 million new cases of sexually transmitted disease this year, of which 9 million are incurable–9 million!”

(Reading: “Congressman Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) Speaks Out on ‘Morning After Pill’ in Schools,” Republican National Coalition for Life FaxNotes, 9/29/00)

culture of death

MASSACHUSETTS: A Maine woman gave birth in a bathroom stall at Logan Airport and left her son in the toilet. A judge has ruled that she will not go to jail for the crime. The baby is in a foster home.

(Reading: “No Jail for Mother Who Left Newborn in Logan Toilet,” Boston Globe, 9/27/00


AMARILLO, TEXAS: Bishop John W. Yanta plus 40 faithful Christians gathered to protest a Planned Parenthood gala honoring Planned Parenthood supporters. Letters of thanks to this heroic bishop can be sent to Diocesan Archives/ Pastoral Center, P.O. Box 5644, Amarillo, TX 79117. No web site at this time.

(Reading: “‘There’s No Compromise,‘” Amarillo Globe-News, 4/13/00; Planned Partygoers’ Face the Truth,” 10/2/00)

JAPAN: Hirotada Ototake was born with disabilities 24 years ago; he had no arms or legs. He has written his autobiography, which is reviewed by Salon reporter Jennifer Hanawald who writes, “Here’s another thought. In this day and age of fetal testing, amniocentesis and bimonthly ultrasounds–all of which can lead to the aborting of imperfect fetuses–what are the chances that someone like Ototake would even make it to birth in the U.S.? This book is a reminder to the most technologically sophisticated of societies that who you are and your value as a human being are distinct from physical soundness.”

(Reading: “Armless (and Legless) in Japan,” Salon)


“CREATE” TO TREAT: The Chicago “embryo case” resulting in the birth of Adam Nash, whose cord blood provided stem cells for transplantation into his sister who suffers from a deadly disease, has left some wondering. In the process of “creating” Adam, at least 14 additional siblings were tossed away because Adam was the one chosen to be most likely to provide the needed cells. Fourteen persons were destroyed and one was spared.

(Reading: “Embryo Case Goes Against Church Teaching: Baby Was Selected from 15 Embryos to Help Sibling,” Zenit news service, 10/3/00; “Embryo Selection Technique a Medical First,” Reuters, 10/2/00; for more information see the American Bioethics Advisory Commission position statement on preimplantation genetic diagnosis)



  • George W. Bush says when asked if he would seek to overturn the FDA ruling on mifepristone: “I don’t think a president can do that.”
  • Al Gore says: the FDA “determined it was medially safe for the women who use that drug.”
  • Patrick J. Buchanan says: The FDA decision “certified the culture of death by legalizing a human pesticide.”

(Reading: Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report, 10/4/00; Buchanan-Foster news release, 10/4/00)

stem cell research

STOP S. 2015: Letters, phone calls and visits to senators are needed to stop the bill, authored by Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) that would permit the destruction of embryonic babies for the sake of acquiring their stem cells. For a copy of the bill see Library of Congress and search by bill number. For details see Stem Cell Research.


PETITION DRIVE GROWS: The Children of God for Life petition drive demanding ethical childhood vaccines has gained the endorsement of the Family Research Council and the Catholic Medical Association. To sign on or acquire copies of the petition (via download) for collection of signatures, see Children of God for Life. One parent recently e-mailed researcher Debi Vinnedge of COGforlife: “I feel completely betrayed and very angry at not being given this information [vaccine contains cells from aborted babies] prior to my children being vaccinated. … I feel victimized by being given no choice in the mater. If ‘choice’ is so important to you pro-aborts, then give us parents REAL choice!”

(Reading: 10/3/00 e-mail to Judie Brown from “>Debi Vinnedge)

web news

ART IN UTERO: An art gallery and artistic presentation design advice are available online to help you learn how to use a sonogram of your baby to produce a positive work of art.

LIBERTARIANS FOR LIFE: Educational material and insight into the libertarian view of pro-life discussions and debates.

reflection for prayer

If all were perfect what then should we have to suffer from others for God’s sake? But now God has so disposed things that we may learn to bear one another’s burdens. (Galatians 6:2); for there is no man without defect; no man without his burden; no man sufficient for himself; no man wise enough for himself; but we must support one another, comfort one another, assist, instruct, and admonish one another. But how great each one’s virtue is best appears by occasions of adversity; for occasions do not make a man frail, but show what he is.

-Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, 1:16:3-4

REPORTING ON PRO-LIFE TACTICS: Political Research Associates has issued a lengthy report entitled “Reproducing Patriarchy: Reproductive Rights Under Siege.” The document purports to assess pro-life maneuvers.

SECOND ABORTION: Commenting on the case of a 26-year-old woman with a second abortion, a physician writes that to imply “that because the patient had sexual intercourse out of wedlock resulting in pregnancy, the physician had not adequately counseled her about healthy lifestyle changes” is wrong. He says “While providing ample information is crucial, patients must decide for themselves what is right for them. Physicians need to respect their patients’ choices and not judge them.”

COMMENT: Physicians need to respect life first. That is not judgmental, but rather ethical.

(Reading: “A 26-Year-Old Woman with a Second Abortion,” Journal of the American Medical Association, 9/13/00, p.1244)


SEX QUESTIONNAIRE: In a recent letter, leaders of the abstinence-until-marriage education campaign point out concerns they have about the content of a federally-funded questionnaire being used to ascertain effectiveness of abstinence-only education versus sex education. Chairman of the group, Dr. John Diggs, says “some of the people involved in this sex survey have freely admitted they would not give this test to their own children.”

(Reading: “Kids’ Sex Questionnaire Called Invasive and Racist,” Abstinence Clearinghouse E-mail Update, 9/29/00)

TEEN CHILDBEARING: A recent report analyzes the declining rate of teen birth to unwed mothers. Researchers comment, “The pro-choice media elites want to trumpet these changes as evidence that the ‘beneficial’ effects of sex education, condom distribution and legalized abortion are at long last being realized.” But the report points out the fallacy in that argument.

(Reading: “Drop in Teen Childbearing: A Ray of Hope,” Data Digest, Beverly LaHaye Institute, Vol. 1, No. 3)

chemical abortion

CATHOLIC BISHOPS: Philippine bishops warned, “Women who take the abortion drug RU-486 and other similar ‘morning after pills’ will be considered automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church.” The American bishops have not addressed the subject of excommunication as of this writing.

(Reading: “Abortion Pill Leads To Instant Excommunication: Philippine Bishops,” 10/4/00, Agence France-Presse)


COMA RECOVERY ASSOCIATION: For information about the work of this non-profit organization dedicated to getting people out of coma and helping those who are recovering, call 516-997-1826 and request information.


TITLE X: Congressman Tom Coburn, M.D., recently told his peers, “We have had Title X clinics for 25 years in this country. We have been teaching ‘safe sex’ for 25 years. We are the highest nation in the world in sexually transmitted diseases; nobody comes close to us. We will have 15 million new cases of sexually transmitted disease this year, of which 9 million are incurable–9 million!”

(Reading: “Congressman Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) Speaks Out on ‘Morning After Pill’ in Schools,” Republican National Coalition for Life FaxNotes, 9/29/00)

culture of death

MASSACHUSETTS: A Maine woman gave birth in a bathroom stall at Logan Airport and left her son in the toilet. A judge has ruled that she will not go to jail for the crime. The baby is in a foster home.

(Reading: “No Jail for Mother Who Left Newborn in Logan Toilet,” Boston Globe, 9/27/00


AMARILLO, TEXAS: Bishop John W. Yanta plus 40 faithful Christians gathered to protest a Planned Parenthood gala honoring Planned Parenthood supporters. Letters of thanks to this heroic bishop can be sent to Diocesan Archives/ Pastoral Center, P.O. Box 5644, Amarillo, TX 79117. No web site at this time.

(Reading: “‘There’s No Compromise,‘” Amarillo Globe-News, 4/13/00; Planned Partygoers’ Face the Truth,” 10/2/00)

JAPAN: Hirotada Ototake was born with disabilities 24 years ago; he had no arms or legs. He has written his autobiography, which is reviewed by Salon reporter Jennifer Hanawald who writes, “Here’s another thought. In this day and age of fetal testing, amniocentesis and bimonthly ultrasounds–all of which can lead to the aborting of imperfect fetuses–what are the chances that someone like Ototake would even make it to birth in the U.S.? This book is a reminder to the most technologically sophisticated of societies that who you are and your value as a human being are distinct from physical soundness.”

(Reading: “Armless (and Legless) in Japan,” Salon)


“CREATE” TO TREAT: The Chicago “embryo case” resulting in the birth of Adam Nash, whose cord blood provided stem cells for transplantation into his sister who suffers from a deadly disease, has left some wondering. In the process of “creating” Adam, at least 14 additional siblings were tossed away because Adam was the one chosen to be most likely to provide the needed cells. Fourteen persons were destroyed and one was spared.

(Reading: “Embryo Case Goes Against Church Teaching: Baby Was Selected from 15 Embryos to Help Sibling,” Zenit news service, 10/3/00; “Embryo Selection Technique a Medical First,” Reuters, 10/2/00; for more information see the American Bioethics Advisory Commission position statement on preimplantation genetic diagnosis)



  • George W. Bush says when asked if he would seek to overturn the FDA ruling on mifepristone: “I don’t think a president can do that.”
  • Al Gore says: the FDA “determined it was medially safe for the women who use that drug.”
  • Patrick J. Buchanan says: The FDA decision “certified the culture of death by legalizing a human pesticide.”

(Reading: Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report, 10/4/00; Buchanan-Foster news release, 10/4/00)

stem cell research

STOP S. 2015: Letters, phone calls and visits to senators are needed to stop the bill, authored by Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) that would permit the destruction of embryonic babies for the sake of acquiring their stem cells. For a copy of the bill see Library of Congress and search by bill number. For details see Stem Cell Research.


PETITION DRIVE GROWS: The Children of God for Life petition drive demanding ethical childhood vaccines has gained the endorsement of the Family Research Council and the Catholic Medical Association. To sign on or acquire copies of the petition (via download) for collection of signatures, see Children of God for Life. One parent recently e-mailed researcher Debi Vinnedge of COGforlife: “I feel completely betrayed and very angry at not being given this information [vaccine contains cells from aborted babies] prior to my children being vaccinated. … I feel victimized by being given no choice in the mater. If ‘choice’ is so important to you pro-aborts, then give us parents REAL choice!”

(Reading: 10/3/00 e-mail to Judie Brown from “>Debi Vinnedge)

web news

ART IN UTERO: An art gallery and artistic presentation design advice are available online to help you learn how to use a sonogram of your baby to produce a positive work of art.

LIBERTARIANS FOR LIFE: Educational material and insight into the libertarian view of pro-life discussions and debates.

reflection for prayer

If all were perfect what then should we have to suffer from others for God’s sake? But now God has so disposed things that we may learn to bear one another’s burdens. (Galatians 6:2); for there is no man without defect; no man without his burden; no man sufficient for himself; no man wise enough for himself; but we must support one another, comfort one another, assist, instruct, and admonish one another. But how great each one’s virtue is best appears by occasions of adversity; for occasions do not make a man frail, but show what he is.

-Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, 1:16:3-4