in this issue:
abstinence education: RESISTANCE
bush watch: BRAVO
frozen embryos: HEALTHY BABY
nonoxynol-9: MORE BAD NEWS
organ donation: MARKETING
population elimination: PHILIPPINES
reflection for prayer: JOHN 6:40
BREAST CANCER: Mississippi oncologist Scott Moon has uncovered the facts about the abortion/breast cancer link, and says he was “blown away” by the evidence. The American Family Association reports that Moon is urging a national debate on the subject among scientists, followed by updated and valid studies and facts. He is skeptical that such a debate could ever be held, because “it’s not politically correct.”
(Reading: “Cancer cover-up?” AFA Journal, 6/02, pp. 18-19; “Abortion/breast cancer link needs debate“; for further study visit the Polycarp Research Institute)
abstinence education
RESISTANCE: The Health and Human Services department has published a report that included the following statement: “Sometimes schools resist because of competing priorities; at other times, resistance stems from debate about health and sex education policies.” The report can be found online.
(Reading: “Resistance to abstinence only,” Journal of the American Medical Association, 5/15/02, p. 2494)
EXPOSING PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Life Dynamics, Inc., has received massive media coverage for the well-documented statement that Planned Parenthood and its allies are “child predators” who protect sexual assault on youth by older men. To read the facts, you can order “Child Predators” by Mark Crutcher.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: With all the fake science circulating on the pill regimen falsely described as the “morning-after pill” or “emergency contraception,” here is a sample letter to the editor:
Dear editor:
[Name] has misinformed your readers concerning the manner in which the so-called emergency contraceptive pill regimen works. Here are the facts.
These pills have the potential to violate the dignity of the human person by destroying a human being during her first seven days of life in her mother’s womb. A human being begins at conception which occurs at fertilization. The human being who exists as a single cell zygote is a member of the human species in precisely the way you and I are members.
The facts presented in Biology 101 are irrefutable. [Name] is propagating the lie that pregnancy does not begin until the human being implants himself. He is opining that pregnancy does not begin until seven days after it has begun. But his view represents fake science. Everyone knows that pregnancy begins at the beginning.
Therefore the so-called emergency contraceptive pill regimen can abort. No woman, including the mother of a human being in her earliest stage of development, has a right to kill by pill, device or any other means.
NEW YORK: Pro-lifers in the Buffalo area want to “welcome” state attorney general Eliot Spitzer to a June 12 speaking engagement. Spitzer is to deliver the keynote address at the Erie Count Bar Association’s annual dinner. The pro-life community wants to ask if he intends to investigate recent allegations that abortion clinics are concealing crimes involving the sexual abuse of minors. At one point during his current term, Spitzer had launched an investigation of pregnancy care centers.
(Reading: “Welcome Spitzer,” e-mail from Mary Quinn)
bush watch
BRAVO: At the recent U.N. General Assembly Special Session on Children, the United States provided an explanation for its position on the final document. Item 2 contains the following statement: “The United States understands the terms ‘basic social services, such as education, nutrition, health care, including sexual and reproductive health,’ ‘health care,’ ‘quality health care services,’ ‘reproductive health care,’ ‘family planning,’ ‘sexual health,’ ‘reproductive health,’ and ‘safe motherhood,’ in the document to in no way include abortion or abortion-related services or the use of abortifacients.”
(Reading: “United States of America Explanation of Position,” 5/1/002, document not online; words of thanks should be sent to for this clear and well-defined statement)
PURE EUGENICS: S.C. Toal writes, “Human beings have evolved to such a stage that sex no longer is a means of reproduction. … if the natural process of evolution of nature is to be accepted, the human reproductive mechanism in its present form is imperfect and incapable of providing the fittest individual for survival in today’s developed universe. Cloning seems to provide the answer.”
(Reading: “The cloning debate and the cycle of evolution,” The Lancet, 5/4/02, p. 1621)
frozen embryos
HEALTHY BABY: A case report on “human 8-cell embryos” cryopreserved (frozen) for 8.9 years reveals that such embryos can survive. “Pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasonography. A health baby weighing 2120 grams was delivered by cesarean section at 36 weeks.” The report describes the 43-year-old mother and the five embryos who were transferred to her womb.
(Reading: “Birth of a health baby after transfer of embryos that were cryopreserved for 8.9 years,” Fertility and Sterility, 5/02, pp. 1074-1076)
MORE BAD NEWS: New research suggests that nonoxynol-9, the most commonly used spermicide worldwide, “does not protect against urogenital gonorrhea and chlamydial infection.”
(Reading: “Nonoxynol-9 not protective against STDs,” Contraceptive Technology Update, 6/02, p. 63)
organ donation
MARKETING: The federal government is launching a campaign designed to increase organ donation. A documentary entitled “No Greater Love” has aired on PBS, and HHS is partnering with large employers to increase awareness about organ donations. About 30 companies have joined the effort.
(Reading: “Need for donor organs spurs thought and action,” Journal of the American Medical Association., 5/15/02, pp. 2491-2492; “Organ and Marrow Donation,” HHS)
SANTORUM BACKS PRO-ABORT: Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.)has endorsed Douglas Forrester for the GOP U.S Senate nomination in New Jersey. Forrester “supports a woman’s right to abortion with regulations.”
(Reading: “GOP senate hopefuls square off,” New Jersey Capital Report, 5/7/02; “Senator Santorum Endorses Forrester for Senate,” Forrester news release, 5/31/02)
population elimination
PHILIPPINES: The World Bank and unnamed “foreign donors” have launched a $20 million campaign promoting population elimination in the Philippines.
(Reading: “World bank’s $20 million deceptive population control push in Philippines,” Life Site Daily News, 5/30/02; “Mahalaga sa amin ang family planning,” the actual ads being used as part of the campaign, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communications Programs)
NORMAN COUSINS: “The human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. That is why the patient’s hopes are the physician’s secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients in any prescription.”
(Reading: “Quotes — Norman Cousins,” Brainy Quote)
GE COMMERCIAL: A new ultrasound machine described as 4D focuses on a baby in the womb. You can see it online.
NOVINT TECHNOLOGIES: By interactive computer screen, when you visit the web site, you can visit a baby in the womb. The home page reads: “New! Touching and seeing a baby before it is born!”
YM MAGAZINE: “Birth control pills work by giving you more of the hormones progesterone and estrogen; these make your eggs more difficult to penetrate so sperm can’t fertilize them and it prevents eggs from attaching to the wall of your uterus. Then you don’t get pregnant.”
COMMENT: Eggs do not implant — zygotes (who are little boys or girls) implant; you are pregnant at the beginning of the baby’s life at conception which occurs at fertilization, not some arbitrary time set by the death peddlers.
ACTION: Tell YM to tell the truth:
(Reading: “What’s up with the pill?” YM, 5/02)
reflection for prayer
JOHN 6:40: It is the will of him who sent me that I should lose nothing of what he has given me; rather that I should raise it up on the last day. Indeed this is the will of my father that everyone who looks upon the son and believes in him shall have eternal life. And I will raise him up on the last day.