Pennsylvania Tragedy Elicits Admission from Medical Staffer at Abortion Giant’s State Affiliate
Contact: Tom Ciesielka, TC Public Relations, 312.422.1333,
(March 18, 2025 – Fredericksburg, Virginia) Planned Parenthood has admitted that the abortion pill can be dangerous. This was pointed out by American Life League in what its national director Katie Brown Xavios labeled a “rare moment of honest transparency.”
“Planned Parenthood has confirmed the dangers that American Life League has been warning about for decades. No, abortion pills are NOT safe, especially when they come from an unregulated source,” stated Xavios. “The irony in all this falls on the fact that Planned Parenthood themselves refer women directly to these online vendors that send pills recklessly and without any authorization or regulation. But let’s not forget, even the ‘safest’ pills still result in a dead baby. The business of abortion pills is never safe, for mom or for baby, and Planned Parenthood is to blame.”
Casi Scully, associate medical director of Planned Parenthood Keystone, told Pennsylvania media, “If you’re accessing medication and you’re not sure where it’s coming from, it’s maybe not regulated. You don’t know exactly what it is. That can definitely be a problem. Potential complications can be bleeding, infection, those kinds of things.”
The abortion staffer’s comments came in the wake of a Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, investigation of a dead baby buried in the yard of a woman who police believe used abortion pills purchased over the Internet to perform a “do-it-yourself” abortion at home.
“We are surprised that a Planned Parenthood executive is willing to admit to the danger of abortion pill use. Unregulated and unsupervised, this so-called ‘medical’ regimen is the true manifestation of the ‘back-alley abortion,’” declared Xavios.
“American Life League sounded the alarm on this risky practice in the September 2024 report Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Pill Drug Cartel,” stated, Xavios. “It’s a documented fact that black-market abortion drugs are being shipped into this country, marketed over the Internet to unverified customers from unauthorized, unvalidated suppliers, with no oversight as to drug quality, purity, or suitability of recipient. This tragic story coming out of Pennsylvania is a bold confirmation of the deadly dangers of the abortion pill.”
About American Life League
American Life League has been part of the pro-life abortion debate since its inception. Since 1979, American Life League has committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to death with a pro-life integrity that stands up for every innocent human being whose life is threatened by the culture of death. For more information visit