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Pro-Life This Week January 17, 2025

Week in Review

Judie Brown Speaks on President Elect Donald Trump

As the United States awaits the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 47th president, American Life League is urging the president-elect to follow in the footsteps of President Reagan and change his heart toward the sanctity of human life. 

American Life League president Judie Brown declared, “As we look toward the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, we pray that he, like President Ronald Reagan before him, will see the error of his ways and choose to defend every innocent preborn child from the first moment of creation onward. President Reagan’s 1984 ‘Proclamation of National Sanctity of Human Life Day’ was a beginning for him; may it also be so for President Trump. We ask God to give President-Elect Trump wisdom, insight, and courage.”

Brown’s and her late husband Paul’s friendship with the 40th president helped solidify Reagan’s life-affirming views. Brown recalls how much she valued their time with the man she has labeled America’s most pro-life president.

Reagan, Brown reports, was genuinely pro-life.

“President Reagan rued the day when, as governor, he signed the 1968 abortion law in California, and he said so many times,” shares Brown. “His regret was expressed not necessarily for publicity but because he had genuinely changed his mind. Having spoken with him about this, I believe he was sincere.”

Brown also points to Reagan’s 1983 essay Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation, the only presidential pro-life work on record. In the piece, Reagan defended the life of the preborn, predicted that the nation’s opinion on abortion would eventually change, and expressed his desire to see Roe v. Wade overturned.

“We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life—the unborn—without diminishing the value of all human life,” wrote Reagan.

Brown prays that President-Elect Trump will follow in President Reagan’s footsteps.

New Pro-Abortion Study Claims That People Are Fleeing States with Abortion Restrictions

The National Bureau of Economic Research published a working paper this week entitled “Are People Fleeing States with Abortion Bans?” claiming that states with abortion restrictions are experiencing large numbers of migration out of these states following the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. 

Rampant pro-abortion bias throughout the paper is evident, with the researchers of the study giving thanks to pro-abortion groups Center for Reproductive Rights and the Society of Family Planning for their financial support of their research. Even Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest wrote a press release stating that the study is “groundbreaking” and “provides compelling evidence that abortion bans are driving significant population losses in states that restrict access to reproductive health care.” 

Pro-life scholar Michael New wrote an article almost immediately after the paper’s release, refuting the claim that abortion restrictions are the reason for supposed migration out of these states.

First, the researchers admit that their primary method of research was looking at change-of-address forms filed within the 13 states that have abortion restrictions. New states the following about this method:

Change-of-address data might not be the most accurate way to measure interstate migration. That is because not everyone who moves files a change-of-address card. Furthermore, for privacy reasons, the U.S. Postal Service discloses only aggregate change-of-address data for ZIP codes where more than ten people reported a change of address. Given that, there might be a problem with missing data.  

New also points out that the NBER study considers data from June 2022 when the Dobbs decision was made until the second quarter of 2023. This timeline is significant to the accuracy of the migration numbers, as some of the 13 states reversed their restrictions on abortion within this timeframe, and five states did not enact their restrictions on abortion until months after the Dobbs v. Jackson case. 

Perhaps the most important data New provides in his article is from the US Census Bureau, which shows that out of these 13 abortion-restricted states, 11 actually experienced migration growth (Mississippi and Louisiana saw population decline in both years), and the same states experienced growth in 2022, barring West Virginia’s, Mississippi’s, and Louisiana’s population decline. 

ALL’s latest report on abortion pill distribution in the United States highlights that no matter the restrictions on abortion in one’s state, abortion pills are easier to access now more than ever due to both legal and illegal means of mailing them through the post office within each of the 50 states. No matter where one lives, child killing is still horribly accessible to anyone in the US, as long as they have access to the Internet. 

While pro-abortion fear tactics like this study continue to make mainstream headlines as “fact,” studies like this remind us that the truth will always prevail, as long as we work in accordance with God’s will and teach the truth in both words and actions.

ALL in the News

ALL spokeswoman Katie Brown was a guest on two pro-life podcasts recently to discuss Planned Parenthood. She was a guest on From the Median and More to the Story with Molly White. Both shows exposed the most recent atrocities from abortion giant Planned Parenthood. 

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of the Culture of Life Studies Program—ALL’s pre-K-12 pro-life education program—penned an op-ed on a new book on prayer by Dr. Edward and Beth Sri. The article was published by Catholic World Report. She also wrote an article on the importance of family and how abortion destroys families.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

The Power of One: Nellie Gray and the March for Life: What can one person do to end abortion? Nellie Gray and a group of dedicated pro-lifers knew they had to do something when the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down in 1973, so on the one-year anniversary they held the first March for Life. Nellie Gray dedicated the rest of her life to saving babies and fighting abortion. In this downloadable lesson, high school students will uncover the history of the March for Life and learn how they can use their own talents and gifts to end abortion. On SALE for just $2! ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

Face It . . . Abortion Kills a Person sign: Tell the world the stark truth about abortion. It kills a defenseless baby every time. This is a great sign to take to the March for Life. Made of weather-resistant corrugated plastic, this 18″ x 24″ sign has “Defund Planned Parenthood” art on the reverse. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

Gallery: Ideas to Inspire Your Pro-Life March Signs

Once January rolls around, you know it’s time to plan for national and regional pro-life marches. Whether it be the national march in DC or the local march at a state capital, being prepared requires consideration of clothing, travel, and pro-life labeling. Will you pick up a free, preprinted sign being handed out at the venue, or will you make your own with good old-fashioned poster board and permanent markers?

Homemade signs are more likely to get photographed because of the time and effort put into it (Note: this writer has photographed hundreds of them for over a decade). They allow the message to fit the creator’s personal convictions. If you’re in need of inspiration, we’ve compiled a gallery of signs from last year’s national march.