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Protect All Babies

By Sarah Roberts

Jeremiah 1:5 states, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.” Every baby is a miracle made in the image and likeness of God. We must show others how unique and beautiful each baby is. It is our duty to protect our brothers and sisters in Christ who are unable to speak for themselves. Babies in the first trimester are particularly vulnerable because most abortions occur at this time. In writing this essay I hope to explain the humanity of preborn babies in their earliest stage of development.

The first trimester starts at the moment of conception/creation, when the life of the baby begins. After conception the fertilized egg forms into a blastocyst, a rapidly multiplying group of cells. The cells arrange themselves into two groups. The outer group will develop into the placenta that brings nourishment and oxygen to the baby. The inner group of cells will form into the baby. At first the baby resembles a tadpole no bigger than a grain of rice. Organs such as the heart, brain, and spinal cord begin to develop. Soon the heart is beating one hundred times per minute. Minuscule bones mature under delicate transparent skin. Toward the end of the first trimester a baby’s arms and legs are completely formed. The baby kicks and squirms inside the womb.

A preborn baby in the first trimester is beautiful but vulnerable. How can we protect babies against the crime of abortion? How can I help mothers considering abortion see what a gift their baby is to the world?

My first idea is spiritual adoption. Spiritual adoption is a process where parishes and schools spiritually adopt a baby in danger of abortion. They pray together for nine months, learn about the development of the adopted baby, and at the end of the time hold a “baby shower” for their adopted baby. Participants give diapers, clothing, and food and donate them to a local pregnancy resource center. I can suggest spiritual adoption to the pro-life club at the high school I will attend. After completing the program of spiritual adoption, participants would know how a baby develops and see how beautiful babies are in the first trimester.

My second idea is to create a pro-life rosary reflection on the Joyful Mysteries and distribute it at my parish. I would use the Joyful Mysteries because they focus on the Incarnation. In the Annunciation, Jesus was present in Mary’s womb the moment she responded “yes” to the angel Gabriel. In the Visitation, John the Baptist leaps in his mother’s womb, sensing the presence of Jesus, even though Jesus was a tiny baby in the earliest stage of development. I think praying the rosary while reflecting on the Incarnation will help others see the humanity of preborn babies.

My last idea is donating meals to the organization A Baby’s Breath. I am unable to work directly with mothers of preborn children because I am too young, but by donating meals, I am supporting those who have the ability to speak to mothers about the humanity of their babies.

God has a plan for the life of every person. John 10:10 states, “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” We must help others see how beautiful and miraculous all preborn children are so they may have the chance to live life to the fullest.

Sarah Roberts won first place in the middle school category of the Culture of Life Studies Program’s 2024 Pro-Life Essay Contest.