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Dennis Byrne’s Wisdom

This morning I had the great joy of reading a commentary on Dennis Byrne's blog. Byrne is a Chicago newspaper columnist and he is a very clever fellow.

His blog entry deals with the most recent meta-analysis studies that has shown that the birth control pill is linked to breast cancer. He was astounded that the Mayo Clinic Proceedings that published the study went totally unnoticed by the mainline media, and so he wrote, in his blog, "Since it was published more than a year ago, I couldn't find a single reference to it in the archives of the New York Times, Washingnton Post, Los Angeles Times or this paper. The Associated Press appers not to have covered it."

In fact, Byrne found nothing at all in the mainstream media, including no mention of it by the American Cancer Society.

It's one thing for someone like me, a known pro-life fanatic who will not condone contraception, to shed light on the dishonesty of the media, but quite another when a member of that illustrious group exposes the deception himself. We should be grateful to Byrne for that.

He's a gusty guy. His analysis of the silence is most noteworthy. He says there has been so little attention to this study because the pill has been so widely accepted and has become such a key part of feminist ideology. Let's not forget that the pharmaceutical companies make so much from it. So, few folks are willing at this stage to talk about the pill's dangers.

Sad but true. His bottom line is actually the saddest part of all: "The truth is that I'd just as soon not write about it, for all the heat it generates. I just wish that someone else would."

Amen, Dennis! Thank God for you!