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Missouri takes the lead

It is with the deepest admiration for the Catholic bishops of Missouri that I write on the subject of the cruelty of human embryonic stem cell research versus the solidarity of those who respect life. In fact, for the first time in the history of the pro-life struggle to stop this deadly research, it would seem that the Catholic leadership of Missouri is leading the way to victory, accompanied by pro-life organizations and other Christian groups across the state.
We can only hope and pray that this wave toward a new attitude toward the dignity of the human embryonic person continues. But in case you have not heard of this, since I assure you nobody at NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN or Fox News is going to report it, I encourage you read the latest news report from Missouri. You will find there ample reason not only to praise God but to get involved in this Missouri Showdown with your prayers, finances and personal effort.
Why am I so excited about this? Well, the answer is really quite simple. As a huge fan of the ever courageous Archbishop Raymond Burke, I have witnessed his energy for life exhibit itself and grow stronger, even admidst media criticism which at times has bordered on total disrespect for his holy office. He is committed to truth, as are his fellow Missouri bishops and he has led the way.  This is why progress in Missouri is being made as we witness perhaps a most historic moment when the culture of death will slowly slither backwards.
While I know that the media will make a big deal in Missouri about the Catholic effort to form public policy around Church teaching, I also know that none of that will hold back the mighty Archbishop Burke. So please join me in praising him, praying for him and all those dedicated pro-lifers in the state and placing our hope, as always, in Jesus Christ, our Lord and King. May it be His will that Missouri sets the standard for the nation, and for the world.
I love good news!