FLORIDA: An altered partial birth abortion bill (Partial-Birth Abortion Act) has been re-titled “Fetus Transitioning to Person Act.” News reports indicate that the title change, as well as other changes, was designed to accommodate previously non-supportive members of the state legislature. Florida Right to Life opposes this bill.
An altered partial birth abortion bill (Partial-Birth Abortion Act) has been re-titled “Fetus Transitioning to Person Act.” News reports indicate that the title change, as well as other changes, was designed to accommodate previously non-supportive members of the state legislature. Florida Right to Life opposes this bill.
COMMENT: The change in name dehumanizes every single human being whose life begins at fertilization. Such a title defeats the very objectives the pro-life movement has sought for the past 26 years.
(Reading: “3 Abortion-Related Measures,” Orlando Sentinel, 4/7/99)
HEALTH FAIRS: The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign to focus attention on sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy and associated concerns. These issues will be addressed through community health fairs to be hosted in the home districts of members of Congress. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
HEALTH FAIRS: The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign to focus attention on sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy and associated concerns. These issues will be addressed through community health fairs to be hosted in the home districts of members of Congress. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
HEALTH FAIRS: The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign to focus attention on sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy and associated concerns. These issues will be addressed through community health fairs to be hosted in the home districts of members of Congress. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
(Reading: “National Health Associations Launch Community Awareness Initiative to Combat Teen Pregnancy and STD/HIV Transmission,” 3/29/99)
birth control and health insurance
CALIFORNIA: The state senate has approved the “Women’s Contraceptive Equity Act.” If the California State legislature approves the bill and it is signed by the governor, California will become the third state to require such coverage, described by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California as “basic health care” for women.
CALIFORNIA: The state senate has approved the “Women’s Contraceptive Equity Act.” If the California State legislature approves the bill and it is signed by the governor, California will become the third state to require such coverage, described by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California as “basic health care” for women.
CALIFORNIA: The state senate has approved the “Women’s Contraceptive Equity Act.” If the California State legislature approves the bill and it is signed by the governor, California will become the third state to require such coverage, described by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California as “basic health care” for women.
(Reading: “California State Senate Approves Bill to Require Private Insurers to Cover Birth Control,” Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California)
NORTH CAROLINA: The state house has amended a bill that would require health insurance companies to pay for birth control methods, most of which cause early abortion. The amendment excludes the morning after pill and RU 486 because they clearly cause abortion.
(Reading: “State House Amends Contraceptive-Drug Measure,” Fayetteville Observer-Times, 3/31/99)
chemical abortion
MORNING AFTER PILL: Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said, “The morning after pill does not exist. This is an abortion.”
MORNING AFTER PILL: Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said, “The morning after pill does not exist. This is an abortion.”
MORNING AFTER PILL: Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said, “The morning after pill does not exist. This is an abortion.”
(Reading: “Bishop Rejects ‘Morning-After’ Pill for Rape;” Catholic World News, 4/12/99)
imposed death
DIGNITY: Disability rights activist Mark Pickup writes, “Dignity is not bestowed upon a man by injecting a toxic substance into his bloodstream when he has sunk beneath the waves of circumstance or depression, and has ceased to believe in his own value. Allow him to live with dignity and when it is time to die, he is apt to die with dignity. Disability rights activists and their allies have fought for decades for inclusion. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are the ultimate exclusion.
DIGNITY: Disability rights activist Mark Pickup writes, “Dignity is not bestowed upon a man by injecting a toxic substance into his bloodstream when he has sunk beneath the waves of circumstance or depression, and has ceased to believe in his own value. Allow him to live with dignity and when it is time to die, he is apt to die with dignity. Disability rights activists and their allies have fought for decades for inclusion. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are the ultimate exclusion.
DIGNITY: Disability rights activist Mark Pickup writes, “Dignity is not bestowed upon a man by injecting a toxic substance into his bloodstream when he has sunk beneath the waves of circumstance or depression, and has ceased to believe in his own value. Allow him to live with dignity and when it is time to die, he is apt to die with dignity. Disability rights activists and their allies have fought for decades for inclusion. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are the ultimate exclusion.
(Reading: memo from Mark Pickup, March 11, 1999)
OREGON: The state legislature is revising the assisted suicide law. Physicians for Compassionate Care, based in Oregon, is monitoring the situation closely, and is hoping that the revisions will protect ethical standards that oppose such acts. Oregon Senate Bill 491 tightens the language in the current law while Oregon House Bill 3099 prohibits state funding of Oregon Death with Dignity Act. For copies of each bill visit http://gopher.leg.state.or.us.
(Reading: Senate Bill 491; House Bill 3099; private e-mail to Judie Brown from N. Gregory Hamilton, Physicians for Compassionate Care, Oregon)
CONSCIENCE CLAUSE: A pharmacists conscience clause bill is being drafted to protect those pharmacists who do not wish to be involved in filling prescriptions for chemicals that kill either children prior to birth or the ill and aging. The bill is being drafted by John Tomicki of the League of American Families in New Jersey. For details, please e-mail Bogomir Kuhar, Pharm. D., Director, Pharmacists for Life International “>; for updated information on all the news among pro-life pharmacists: http://www.pfli.org.
CONSCIENCE CLAUSE: A pharmacists conscience clause bill is being drafted to protect those pharmacists who do not wish to be involved in filling prescriptions for chemicals that kill either children prior to birth or the ill and aging. The bill is being drafted by John Tomicki of the League of American Families in New Jersey. For details, please e-mail Bogomir Kuhar, Pharm. D., Director, Pharmacists for Life International “>; for updated information on all the news among pro-life pharmacists: http://www.pfli.org.
CONSCIENCE CLAUSE: A pharmacists conscience clause bill is being drafted to protect those pharmacists who do not wish to be involved in filling prescriptions for chemicals that kill either children prior to birth or the ill and aging. The bill is being drafted by John Tomicki of the League of American Families in New Jersey. For details, please e-mail Bogomir Kuhar, Pharm. D., Director, Pharmacists for Life International “>; for updated information on all the news among pro-life pharmacists: http://www.pfli.org.
sperm retrieval
SPERMINATOR? Lori B. Andrews addresses the ethical quagmire that revolves around the taking of a male’s sperm, after his death, for the purpose of future children. There is precedent for this process and it is usually the wife who makes the request. Many aspects of the issue are addressed, including, “If we start down the path of procreation without permission, where do we draw the line? Could a mortician (or a C.A.A. agent) retrieve sperm from a dead celebrity to create souvenir babies? If a good-looking John Doe is admitted to a hospital in a coma, can the hospital sell off some of his sperm to pay his medical bills?”
SPERMINATOR? Lori B. Andrews addresses the ethical quagmire that revolves around the taking of a male’s sperm, after his death, for the purpose of future children. There is precedent for this process and it is usually the wife who makes the request. Many aspects of the issue are addressed, including, “If we start down the path of procreation without permission, where do we draw the line? Could a mortician (or a C.A.A. agent) retrieve sperm from a dead celebrity to create souvenir babies? If a good-looking John Doe is admitted to a hospital in a coma, can the hospital sell off some of his sperm to pay his medical bills?”
SPERMINATOR? Lori B. Andrews addresses the ethical quagmire that revolves around the taking of a male’s sperm, after his death, for the purpose of future children. There is precedent for this process and it is usually the wife who makes the request. Many aspects of the issue are addressed, including, “If we start down the path of procreation without permission, where do we draw the line? Could a mortician (or a C.A.A. agent) retrieve sperm from a dead celebrity to create souvenir babies? If a good-looking John Doe is admitted to a hospital in a coma, can the hospital sell off some of his sperm to pay his medical bills?”
(Reading: “The sperminator,” New York Times Magazine, 3/28/99, pp. 62-65)
stem cell research
GET INVOLVED NOW: The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity is launching a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Project which addresses the experimental process of destroying human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells for scientific research. A coalition has been established, and the center is currently seeking to identify individuals and organizations that oppose this deadly research. To complete the form and receive updates, please contact http://www.bioethix.org/stemcellproject.html.
GET INVOLVED NOW: The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity is launching a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Project which addresses the experimental process of destroying human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells for scientific research. A coalition has been established, and the center is currently seeking to identify individuals and organizations that oppose this deadly research. To complete the form and receive updates, please contact http://www.bioethix.org/stemcellproject.html.
GET INVOLVED NOW: The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity is launching a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Project which addresses the experimental process of destroying human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells for scientific research. A coalition has been established, and the center is currently seeking to identify individuals and organizations that oppose this deadly research. To complete the form and receive updates, please contact http://www.bioethix.org/stemcellproject.html.
GLAMOUR MAGAZINE: Congresswoman Nita Lowey writes in the May 1999 issue of Glamour, “When a couple undergoes in vitro fertilization, implantation and pregnancy, the process often results in several leftover embryos. Each one is a small group of cells, usually about three days old, no larger than the period at the end of this sentence. The couples can choose to either discard the leftover embryos or donate them to research. So we’re talking about research on preimplantation embryos that have been donated with the couple’s informed consent.”
COMMENT: No, we are talking about the intentional destruction of tiny boys and girls, embryonic children who are unique and are in every sense human beings. Will Glamour publish the child’s side of the debate?
(Reading: “Lifesaving Science Now!” Glamour, May 1999, p. 191. Glamour, 350 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017; fax: 212-880-6922; or e-mail: “>)
web news
GENOCIDE AWARENESS PROJECT: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addresses such issues as euthanasia, infanticide, and fetal tissue experimentation. Their Genocide Awareness Project applies historical cases of dehumanizing other humans to challenge people’s assumptions of what an unborn baby is. For more information, see their web site.
GENOCIDE AWARENESS PROJECT: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addresses such issues as euthanasia, infanticide, and fetal tissue experimentation. Their Genocide Awareness Project applies historical cases of dehumanizing other humans to challenge people’s assumptions of what an unborn baby is. For more information, see their web site.
GENOCIDE AWARENESS PROJECT: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addresses such issues as euthanasia, infanticide, and fetal tissue experimentation. Their Genocide Awareness Project applies historical cases of dehumanizing other humans to challenge people’s assumptions of what an unborn baby is. For more information, see their web site.
PHYSICIAN DIRECTORY ON LINE: One More Soul provides a complete directory of natural family planning only physicians on their site.
SUICIDE ON LINE: Australian euthanasia activists have a web site that includes updated information on chemicals that practitioner Dr. Philip Nitschke is perfecting for use in taking a life.
ETHICS: A course on Procreative and Birth Ethics: Integrating Catholic Truth and Medicine will be taught at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha June 12-18. For information, contact Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, Ph.D., at Pope Paul VI Institute, 6901 Mercy Rd., Omaha, NE 68104; phone 402-390-6600.
ETHICS: A course on Procreative and Birth Ethics: Integrating Catholic Truth and Medicine will be taught at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha June 12-18. For information, contact Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, Ph.D., at Pope Paul VI Institute, 6901 Mercy Rd., Omaha, NE 68104; phone 402-390-6600.
ETHICS: A course on Procreative and Birth Ethics: Integrating Catholic Truth and Medicine will be taught at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha June 12-18. For information, contact Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, Ph.D., at Pope Paul VI Institute, 6901 Mercy Rd., Omaha, NE 68104; phone 402-390-6600.
ROSARY: Prayer for the United States and the leaders of our national government. May 1, 1999, 11 am, in front of the Capitol in Washington. For information: Block Rosary, P.O. Box 13242, Charlotte, NC 28270; phone 704-843-0648.
“This is the nation that does not listen to the voice of the Lord, its God, or take correction. Faithfulness has disappeared; the Word itself is banished from their speech.”
-Jeremiah 7:28
Dear Lord, thank you for your patient endurance of America’s sinful ways. Please accept our prayers that the hearts of those so cold to your loving truth may be softened during this grave hour in mankind’s history. Amen.
FLORIDA: An altered partial birth abortion bill (Partial-Birth Abortion Act) has been re-titled “Fetus Transitioning to Person Act.” News reports indicate that the title change, as well as other changes, was designed to accommodate previously non-supportive members of the state legislature. Florida Right to Life opposes this bill.
An altered partial birth abortion bill (Partial-Birth Abortion Act) has been re-titled “Fetus Transitioning to Person Act.” News reports indicate that the title change, as well as other changes, was designed to accommodate previously non-supportive members of the state legislature. Florida Right to Life opposes this bill.
COMMENT: The change in name dehumanizes every single human being whose life begins at fertilization. Such a title defeats the very objectives the pro-life movement has sought for the past 26 years.
(Reading: “3 Abortion-Related Measures,” Orlando Sentinel, 4/7/99)
HEALTH FAIRS: The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign to focus attention on sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy and associated concerns. These issues will be addressed through community health fairs to be hosted in the home districts of members of Congress. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
HEALTH FAIRS: The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign to focus attention on sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy and associated concerns. These issues will be addressed through community health fairs to be hosted in the home districts of members of Congress. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
HEALTH FAIRS: The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign to focus attention on sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy and associated concerns. These issues will be addressed through community health fairs to be hosted in the home districts of members of Congress. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
(Reading: “National Health Associations Launch Community Awareness Initiative to Combat Teen Pregnancy and STD/HIV Transmission,” 3/29/99)
birth control and health insurance
CALIFORNIA: The state senate has approved the “Women’s Contraceptive Equity Act.” If the California State legislature approves the bill and it is signed by the governor, California will become the third state to require such coverage, described by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California as “basic health care” for women.
CALIFORNIA: The state senate has approved the “Women’s Contraceptive Equity Act.” If the California State legislature approves the bill and it is signed by the governor, California will become the third state to require such coverage, described by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California as “basic health care” for women.
CALIFORNIA: The state senate has approved the “Women’s Contraceptive Equity Act.” If the California State legislature approves the bill and it is signed by the governor, California will become the third state to require such coverage, described by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California as “basic health care” for women.
(Reading: “California State Senate Approves Bill to Require Private Insurers to Cover Birth Control,” Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California)
NORTH CAROLINA: The state house has amended a bill that would require health insurance companies to pay for birth control methods, most of which cause early abortion. The amendment excludes the morning after pill and RU 486 because they clearly cause abortion.
(Reading: “State House Amends Contraceptive-Drug Measure,” Fayetteville Observer-Times, 3/31/99)
chemical abortion
MORNING AFTER PILL: Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said, “The morning after pill does not exist. This is an abortion.”
MORNING AFTER PILL: Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said, “The morning after pill does not exist. This is an abortion.”
MORNING AFTER PILL: Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said, “The morning after pill does not exist. This is an abortion.”
(Reading: “Bishop Rejects ‘Morning-After’ Pill for Rape;” Catholic World News, 4/12/99)
imposed death
DIGNITY: Disability rights activist Mark Pickup writes, “Dignity is not bestowed upon a man by injecting a toxic substance into his bloodstream when he has sunk beneath the waves of circumstance or depression, and has ceased to believe in his own value. Allow him to live with dignity and when it is time to die, he is apt to die with dignity. Disability rights activists and their allies have fought for decades for inclusion. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are the ultimate exclusion.
DIGNITY: Disability rights activist Mark Pickup writes, “Dignity is not bestowed upon a man by injecting a toxic substance into his bloodstream when he has sunk beneath the waves of circumstance or depression, and has ceased to believe in his own value. Allow him to live with dignity and when it is time to die, he is apt to die with dignity. Disability rights activists and their allies have fought for decades for inclusion. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are the ultimate exclusion.
DIGNITY: Disability rights activist Mark Pickup writes, “Dignity is not bestowed upon a man by injecting a toxic substance into his bloodstream when he has sunk beneath the waves of circumstance or depression, and has ceased to believe in his own value. Allow him to live with dignity and when it is time to die, he is apt to die with dignity. Disability rights activists and their allies have fought for decades for inclusion. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are the ultimate exclusion.
(Reading: memo from Mark Pickup, March 11, 1999)
OREGON: The state legislature is revising the assisted suicide law. Physicians for Compassionate Care, based in Oregon, is monitoring the situation closely, and is hoping that the revisions will protect ethical standards that oppose such acts. Oregon Senate Bill 491 tightens the language in the current law while Oregon House Bill 3099 prohibits state funding of Oregon Death with Dignity Act. For copies of each bill visit http://gopher.leg.state.or.us.
(Reading: Senate Bill 491; House Bill 3099; private e-mail to Judie Brown from N. Gregory Hamilton, Physicians for Compassionate Care, Oregon)
CONSCIENCE CLAUSE: A pharmacists conscience clause bill is being drafted to protect those pharmacists who do not wish to be involved in filling prescriptions for chemicals that kill either children prior to birth or the ill and aging. The bill is being drafted by John Tomicki of the League of American Families in New Jersey. For details, please e-mail Bogomir Kuhar, Pharm. D., Director, Pharmacists for Life International “>; for updated information on all the news among pro-life pharmacists: http://www.pfli.org.
CONSCIENCE CLAUSE: A pharmacists conscience clause bill is being drafted to protect those pharmacists who do not wish to be involved in filling prescriptions for chemicals that kill either children prior to birth or the ill and aging. The bill is being drafted by John Tomicki of the League of American Families in New Jersey. For details, please e-mail Bogomir Kuhar, Pharm. D., Director, Pharmacists for Life International “>; for updated information on all the news among pro-life pharmacists: http://www.pfli.org.
CONSCIENCE CLAUSE: A pharmacists conscience clause bill is being drafted to protect those pharmacists who do not wish to be involved in filling prescriptions for chemicals that kill either children prior to birth or the ill and aging. The bill is being drafted by John Tomicki of the League of American Families in New Jersey. For details, please e-mail Bogomir Kuhar, Pharm. D., Director, Pharmacists for Life International “>; for updated information on all the news among pro-life pharmacists: http://www.pfli.org.
sperm retrieval
SPERMINATOR? Lori B. Andrews addresses the ethical quagmire that revolves around the taking of a male’s sperm, after his death, for the purpose of future children. There is precedent for this process and it is usually the wife who makes the request. Many aspects of the issue are addressed, including, “If we start down the path of procreation without permission, where do we draw the line? Could a mortician (or a C.A.A. agent) retrieve sperm from a dead celebrity to create souvenir babies? If a good-looking John Doe is admitted to a hospital in a coma, can the hospital sell off some of his sperm to pay his medical bills?”
SPERMINATOR? Lori B. Andrews addresses the ethical quagmire that revolves around the taking of a male’s sperm, after his death, for the purpose of future children. There is precedent for this process and it is usually the wife who makes the request. Many aspects of the issue are addressed, including, “If we start down the path of procreation without permission, where do we draw the line? Could a mortician (or a C.A.A. agent) retrieve sperm from a dead celebrity to create souvenir babies? If a good-looking John Doe is admitted to a hospital in a coma, can the hospital sell off some of his sperm to pay his medical bills?”
SPERMINATOR? Lori B. Andrews addresses the ethical quagmire that revolves around the taking of a male’s sperm, after his death, for the purpose of future children. There is precedent for this process and it is usually the wife who makes the request. Many aspects of the issue are addressed, including, “If we start down the path of procreation without permission, where do we draw the line? Could a mortician (or a C.A.A. agent) retrieve sperm from a dead celebrity to create souvenir babies? If a good-looking John Doe is admitted to a hospital in a coma, can the hospital sell off some of his sperm to pay his medical bills?”
(Reading: “The sperminator,” New York Times Magazine, 3/28/99, pp. 62-65)
stem cell research
GET INVOLVED NOW: The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity is launching a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Project which addresses the experimental process of destroying human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells for scientific research. A coalition has been established, and the center is currently seeking to identify individuals and organizations that oppose this deadly research. To complete the form and receive updates, please contact http://www.bioethix.org/stemcellproject.html.
GET INVOLVED NOW: The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity is launching a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Project which addresses the experimental process of destroying human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells for scientific research. A coalition has been established, and the center is currently seeking to identify individuals and organizations that oppose this deadly research. To complete the form and receive updates, please contact http://www.bioethix.org/stemcellproject.html.
GET INVOLVED NOW: The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity is launching a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Project which addresses the experimental process of destroying human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells for scientific research. A coalition has been established, and the center is currently seeking to identify individuals and organizations that oppose this deadly research. To complete the form and receive updates, please contact http://www.bioethix.org/stemcellproject.html.
GLAMOUR MAGAZINE: Congresswoman Nita Lowey writes in the May 1999 issue of Glamour, “When a couple undergoes in vitro fertilization, implantation and pregnancy, the process often results in several leftover embryos. Each one is a small group of cells, usually about three days old, no larger than the period at the end of this sentence. The couples can choose to either discard the leftover embryos or donate them to research. So we’re talking about research on preimplantation embryos that have been donated with the couple’s informed consent.”
COMMENT: No, we are talking about the intentional destruction of tiny boys and girls, embryonic children who are unique and are in every sense human beings. Will Glamour publish the child’s side of the debate?
(Reading: “Lifesaving Science Now!” Glamour, May 1999, p. 191. Glamour, 350 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017; fax: 212-880-6922; or e-mail: “>)
web news
GENOCIDE AWARENESS PROJECT: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addresses such issues as euthanasia, infanticide, and fetal tissue experimentation. Their Genocide Awareness Project applies historical cases of dehumanizing other humans to challenge people’s assumptions of what an unborn baby is. For more information, see their web site.
GENOCIDE AWARENESS PROJECT: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addresses such issues as euthanasia, infanticide, and fetal tissue experimentation. Their Genocide Awareness Project applies historical cases of dehumanizing other humans to challenge people’s assumptions of what an unborn baby is. For more information, see their web site.
GENOCIDE AWARENESS PROJECT: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addresses such issues as euthanasia, infanticide, and fetal tissue experimentation. Their Genocide Awareness Project applies historical cases of dehumanizing other humans to challenge people’s assumptions of what an unborn baby is. For more information, see their web site.
PHYSICIAN DIRECTORY ON LINE: One More Soul provides a complete directory of natural family planning only physicians on their site.
SUICIDE ON LINE: Australian euthanasia activists have a web site that includes updated information on chemicals that practitioner Dr. Philip Nitschke is perfecting for use in taking a life.
ETHICS: A course on Procreative and Birth Ethics: Integrating Catholic Truth and Medicine will be taught at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha June 12-18. For information, contact Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, Ph.D., at Pope Paul VI Institute, 6901 Mercy Rd., Omaha, NE 68104; phone 402-390-6600.
ETHICS: A course on Procreative and Birth Ethics: Integrating Catholic Truth and Medicine will be taught at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha June 12-18. For information, contact Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, Ph.D., at Pope Paul VI Institute, 6901 Mercy Rd., Omaha, NE 68104; phone 402-390-6600.
ETHICS: A course on Procreative and Birth Ethics: Integrating Catholic Truth and Medicine will be taught at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha June 12-18. For information, contact Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, Ph.D., at Pope Paul VI Institute, 6901 Mercy Rd., Omaha, NE 68104; phone 402-390-6600.
ROSARY: Prayer for the United States and the leaders of our national government. May 1, 1999, 11 am, in front of the Capitol in Washington. For information: Block Rosary, P.O. Box 13242, Charlotte, NC 28270; phone 704-843-0648.
“This is the nation that does not listen to the voice of the Lord, its God, or take correction. Faithfulness has disappeared; the Word itself is banished from their speech.”
-Jeremiah 7:28
Dear Lord, thank you for your patient endurance of America’s sinful ways. Please accept our prayers that the hearts of those so cold to your loving truth may be softened during this grave hour in mankind’s history. Amen.
FLORIDA: An altered partial birth abortion bill (Partial-Birth Abortion Act) has been re-titled “Fetus Transitioning to Person Act.” News reports indicate that the title change, as well as other changes, was designed to accommodate previously non-supportive members of the state legislature. Florida Right to Life opposes this bill.
COMMENT: The change in name dehumanizes every single human being whose life begins at fertilization. Such a title defeats the very objectives the pro-life movement has sought for the past 26 years.
(Reading: “3 Abortion-Related Measures,” Orlando Sentinel, 4/7/99)
HEALTH FAIRS: The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign to focus attention on sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy and associated concerns. These issues will be addressed through community health fairs to be hosted in the home districts of members of Congress. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
HEALTH FAIRS: The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign to focus attention on sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy and associated concerns. These issues will be addressed through community health fairs to be hosted in the home districts of members of Congress. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
HEALTH FAIRS: The Association for Reproductive Health Professionals has launched a campaign to focus attention on sexually transmitted disease, teen pregnancy and associated concerns. These issues will be addressed through community health fairs to be hosted in the home districts of members of Congress. The campaign is co-sponsored by the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.
(Reading: “National Health Associations Launch Community Awareness Initiative to Combat Teen Pregnancy and STD/HIV Transmission,” 3/29/99)
birth control and health insurance
CALIFORNIA: The state senate has approved the “Women’s Contraceptive Equity Act.” If the California State legislature approves the bill and it is signed by the governor, California will become the third state to require such coverage, described by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California as “basic health care” for women.
CALIFORNIA: The state senate has approved the “Women’s Contraceptive Equity Act.” If the California State legislature approves the bill and it is signed by the governor, California will become the third state to require such coverage, described by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California as “basic health care” for women.
CALIFORNIA: The state senate has approved the “Women’s Contraceptive Equity Act.” If the California State legislature approves the bill and it is signed by the governor, California will become the third state to require such coverage, described by Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California as “basic health care” for women.
(Reading: “California State Senate Approves Bill to Require Private Insurers to Cover Birth Control,” Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California)
NORTH CAROLINA: The state house has amended a bill that would require health insurance companies to pay for birth control methods, most of which cause early abortion. The amendment excludes the morning after pill and RU 486 because they clearly cause abortion.
(Reading: “State House Amends Contraceptive-Drug Measure,” Fayetteville Observer-Times, 3/31/99)
chemical abortion
MORNING AFTER PILL: Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said, “The morning after pill does not exist. This is an abortion.”
MORNING AFTER PILL: Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said, “The morning after pill does not exist. This is an abortion.”
MORNING AFTER PILL: Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, said, “The morning after pill does not exist. This is an abortion.”
(Reading: “Bishop Rejects ‘Morning-After’ Pill for Rape;” Catholic World News, 4/12/99)
imposed death
DIGNITY: Disability rights activist Mark Pickup writes, “Dignity is not bestowed upon a man by injecting a toxic substance into his bloodstream when he has sunk beneath the waves of circumstance or depression, and has ceased to believe in his own value. Allow him to live with dignity and when it is time to die, he is apt to die with dignity. Disability rights activists and their allies have fought for decades for inclusion. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are the ultimate exclusion.
DIGNITY: Disability rights activist Mark Pickup writes, “Dignity is not bestowed upon a man by injecting a toxic substance into his bloodstream when he has sunk beneath the waves of circumstance or depression, and has ceased to believe in his own value. Allow him to live with dignity and when it is time to die, he is apt to die with dignity. Disability rights activists and their allies have fought for decades for inclusion. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are the ultimate exclusion.
DIGNITY: Disability rights activist Mark Pickup writes, “Dignity is not bestowed upon a man by injecting a toxic substance into his bloodstream when he has sunk beneath the waves of circumstance or depression, and has ceased to believe in his own value. Allow him to live with dignity and when it is time to die, he is apt to die with dignity. Disability rights activists and their allies have fought for decades for inclusion. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are the ultimate exclusion.
(Reading: memo from Mark Pickup, March 11, 1999)
OREGON: The state legislature is revising the assisted suicide law. Physicians for Compassionate Care, based in Oregon, is monitoring the situation closely, and is hoping that the revisions will protect ethical standards that oppose such acts. Oregon Senate Bill 491 tightens the language in the current law while Oregon House Bill 3099 prohibits state funding of Oregon Death with Dignity Act. For copies of each bill visit http://gopher.leg.state.or.us.
(Reading: Senate Bill 491; House Bill 3099; private e-mail to Judie Brown from N. Gregory Hamilton, Physicians for Compassionate Care, Oregon)
CONSCIENCE CLAUSE: A pharmacists conscience clause bill is being drafted to protect those pharmacists who do not wish to be involved in filling prescriptions for chemicals that kill either children prior to birth or the ill and aging. The bill is being drafted by John Tomicki of the League of American Families in New Jersey. For details, please e-mail Bogomir Kuhar, Pharm. D., Director, Pharmacists for Life International “>; for updated information on all the news among pro-life pharmacists: http://www.pfli.org.
CONSCIENCE CLAUSE: A pharmacists conscience clause bill is being drafted to protect those pharmacists who do not wish to be involved in filling prescriptions for chemicals that kill either children prior to birth or the ill and aging. The bill is being drafted by John Tomicki of the League of American Families in New Jersey. For details, please e-mail Bogomir Kuhar, Pharm. D., Director, Pharmacists for Life International “>; for updated information on all the news among pro-life pharmacists: http://www.pfli.org.
CONSCIENCE CLAUSE: A pharmacists conscience clause bill is being drafted to protect those pharmacists who do not wish to be involved in filling prescriptions for chemicals that kill either children prior to birth or the ill and aging. The bill is being drafted by John Tomicki of the League of American Families in New Jersey. For details, please e-mail Bogomir Kuhar, Pharm. D., Director, Pharmacists for Life International “>; for updated information on all the news among pro-life pharmacists: http://www.pfli.org.
sperm retrieval
SPERMINATOR? Lori B. Andrews addresses the ethical quagmire that revolves around the taking of a male’s sperm, after his death, for the purpose of future children. There is precedent for this process and it is usually the wife who makes the request. Many aspects of the issue are addressed, including, “If we start down the path of procreation without permission, where do we draw the line? Could a mortician (or a C.A.A. agent) retrieve sperm from a dead celebrity to create souvenir babies? If a good-looking John Doe is admitted to a hospital in a coma, can the hospital sell off some of his sperm to pay his medical bills?”
SPERMINATOR? Lori B. Andrews addresses the ethical quagmire that revolves around the taking of a male’s sperm, after his death, for the purpose of future children. There is precedent for this process and it is usually the wife who makes the request. Many aspects of the issue are addressed, including, “If we start down the path of procreation without permission, where do we draw the line? Could a mortician (or a C.A.A. agent) retrieve sperm from a dead celebrity to create souvenir babies? If a good-looking John Doe is admitted to a hospital in a coma, can the hospital sell off some of his sperm to pay his medical bills?”
SPERMINATOR? Lori B. Andrews addresses the ethical quagmire that revolves around the taking of a male’s sperm, after his death, for the purpose of future children. There is precedent for this process and it is usually the wife who makes the request. Many aspects of the issue are addressed, including, “If we start down the path of procreation without permission, where do we draw the line? Could a mortician (or a C.A.A. agent) retrieve sperm from a dead celebrity to create souvenir babies? If a good-looking John Doe is admitted to a hospital in a coma, can the hospital sell off some of his sperm to pay his medical bills?”
(Reading: “The sperminator,” New York Times Magazine, 3/28/99, pp. 62-65)
stem cell research
GET INVOLVED NOW: The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity is launching a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Project which addresses the experimental process of destroying human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells for scientific research. A coalition has been established, and the center is currently seeking to identify individuals and organizations that oppose this deadly research. To complete the form and receive updates, please contact http://www.bioethix.org/stemcellproject.html.
GET INVOLVED NOW: The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity is launching a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Project which addresses the experimental process of destroying human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells for scientific research. A coalition has been established, and the center is currently seeking to identify individuals and organizations that oppose this deadly research. To complete the form and receive updates, please contact http://www.bioethix.org/stemcellproject.html.
GET INVOLVED NOW: The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity is launching a Human Embryonic Stem Cell Project which addresses the experimental process of destroying human embryos in order to harvest embryonic stem cells for scientific research. A coalition has been established, and the center is currently seeking to identify individuals and organizations that oppose this deadly research. To complete the form and receive updates, please contact http://www.bioethix.org/stemcellproject.html.
GLAMOUR MAGAZINE: Congresswoman Nita Lowey writes in the May 1999 issue of Glamour, “When a couple undergoes in vitro fertilization, implantation and pregnancy, the process often results in several leftover embryos. Each one is a small group of cells, usually about three days old, no larger than the period at the end of this sentence. The couples can choose to either discard the leftover embryos or donate them to research. So we’re talking about research on preimplantation embryos that have been donated with the couple’s informed consent.”
COMMENT: No, we are talking about the intentional destruction of tiny boys and girls, embryonic children who are unique and are in every sense human beings. Will Glamour publish the child’s side of the debate?
(Reading: “Lifesaving Science Now!” Glamour, May 1999, p. 191. Glamour, 350 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10017; fax: 212-880-6922; or e-mail: “>)
web news
GENOCIDE AWARENESS PROJECT: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addresses such issues as euthanasia, infanticide, and fetal tissue experimentation. Their Genocide Awareness Project applies historical cases of dehumanizing other humans to challenge people’s assumptions of what an unborn baby is. For more information, see their web site.
GENOCIDE AWARENESS PROJECT: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addresses such issues as euthanasia, infanticide, and fetal tissue experimentation. Their Genocide Awareness Project applies historical cases of dehumanizing other humans to challenge people’s assumptions of what an unborn baby is. For more information, see their web site.
GENOCIDE AWARENESS PROJECT: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform addresses such issues as euthanasia, infanticide, and fetal tissue experimentation. Their Genocide Awareness Project applies historical cases of dehumanizing other humans to challenge people’s assumptions of what an unborn baby is. For more information, see their web site.
PHYSICIAN DIRECTORY ON LINE: One More Soul provides a complete directory of natural family planning only physicians on their site.
SUICIDE ON LINE: Australian euthanasia activists have a web site that includes updated information on chemicals that practitioner Dr. Philip Nitschke is perfecting for use in taking a life.
ETHICS: A course on Procreative and Birth Ethics: Integrating Catholic Truth and Medicine will be taught at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha June 12-18. For information, contact Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, Ph.D., at Pope Paul VI Institute, 6901 Mercy Rd., Omaha, NE 68104; phone 402-390-6600.
ETHICS: A course on Procreative and Birth Ethics: Integrating Catholic Truth and Medicine will be taught at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha June 12-18. For information, contact Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, Ph.D., at Pope Paul VI Institute, 6901 Mercy Rd., Omaha, NE 68104; phone 402-390-6600.
ETHICS: A course on Procreative and Birth Ethics: Integrating Catholic Truth and Medicine will be taught at the Pope Paul VI Institute in Omaha June 12-18. For information, contact Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, Ph.D., at Pope Paul VI Institute, 6901 Mercy Rd., Omaha, NE 68104; phone 402-390-6600.
ROSARY: Prayer for the United States and the leaders of our national government. May 1, 1999, 11 am, in front of the Capitol in Washington. For information: Block Rosary, P.O. Box 13242, Charlotte, NC 28270; phone 704-843-0648.
“This is the nation that does not listen to the voice of the Lord, its God, or take correction. Faithfulness has disappeared; the Word itself is banished from their speech.”
-Jeremiah 7:28
Dear Lord, thank you for your patient endurance of America’s sinful ways. Please accept our prayers that the hearts of those so cold to your loving truth may be softened during this grave hour in mankind’s history. Amen.