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Communique – Jul. 25, 2003

in this issue:

imposed death: HEMLOCK NO MORE
in vitro fertilization: WEST VIRGINIA
morning-after abortion pill: CALIFORNIA
reflection for prayer: 2 CORINTHIANS 4:16-18

hot button issues

CRUSADE FOR THE DEFENSE OF OUR CATHOLIC CHURCH: In noting the 35th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical Humanae Vitae, ALL’s Judie Brown points out that “at the heart of Humanae Vitae is a recognition that sex is not simply a physical act, it is an act of love and of life. Once you separate the unitive (love) end from the procreative (life) end, you fundamentally change the very nature of sex.”

(Reading: “The pill, the pope and the people: Thirty-five years later, the message of Pope Paul VI makes more sense than ever,” American Life League news release, 7/22/03)

ESPANOL: A number of American Life League’s Spanish brochures are now available at our online store. The ALL Resources Department can also be reached by phone at 866-LET-LIVE.

RACHEL’S VINEYARD: A pair of one-day clinical training sessions for those involved in the post-abortion retreats for healing sponsored by American Life League’s Rachel’s Vineyard will be held this fall in Alberta, Canada. The sessions are scheduled for October 9 in Edmonton and October 10 in Calgary. For more information about the Edmonton event, contact at 780-469-2323. To find out more about the Calgary training session, contact at 403-218-5506. CEU credits are available for both sessions.

STOPP INTERNATIONAL: The July/August issue of American Life League’s Celebrate Life magazine features three articles devoted to the fight against Planned Parenthood’s anti-life agenda. “Planned Parenthood’s declining profits indicate a growing weakness which bodes well for protecting preborn babies,” said Ed Szymkowiak, STOPP’s national director.

(Reading: “Celebrate Life magazine highlights progress against Planned Parenthood,” STOPP International news release, 7/17/03)

(Subscribe: Celebrate Life subscriptions are available online)


WHITE HOUSE E-MAIL: From time to time, we’ve suggested e-mailing the president, simply by addressing your note to . However, a new system is now in place. The White House says it had to do something to help it sort out the 15,000 e-mails it receives every day. So to send a message, one must now navigate a series of menus, click a box that asks whether you agree or disagree with the president, and then choose an issue. The issues list includes human cloning, stem cell research and UN family planning, but not abortion.

(Reading: White House web mail; “White House e-mail system becomes less user-friendly,” New York Times, 7/18/03)

birth control pill

ANOTHER FEATURE: The Chicago Tribune recently distributed an article dealing with the so-called dark secret of the birth control pill. The “secret” is the fact that many women who take the pill experience a decreased sex drive, though it is something doctors seldom mention and researchers seldom explore.

COMMENT: Why is there so much reluctance to talk about ANY of the pill’s negative aspects? Besides, it would seem that the pill’s REAL “dark secret” is the fact that the common birth control pill can cause an abortion in the earliest days of a new human being’s life. Chicago Tribune, how about a story on that?

(Reading: “The pill’s dark secret,” Chicago Tribune news service, 7/16/03)

RECALL: Barr Laboratories has issued a recall for three lots of Nortrel 7/7/7. According to the company, “color-coded tablets in their blister cards of the product were in an improper sequence which may increase the risk for pregnancy.”

(Reading: “Barr announces voluntary recall of 3 lots of Nortrel 7/7/7,” Barr Laboratories news release, 7/9/03)

UNSUPPORTED CLAIMS: The FDA’s Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising and Communications is ordering Berlex Laboratories to cease a series of ads for Yasmin, a “combined oral contraceptive.” Commercials for Yasmin offer “unsupported superiority claims and misleading information about potential risks,” according to a letter the FDA division sent the pharmaceutical company on July 10.

(Reading: “DDMAC cites Berlex for Yasmin advertisements,” Food and Drug Regulation news brief, 7/23/03)

imposed death

HEMLOCK NO MORE: Say goodbye to the Hemlock Society. The so-called right-to-die organization has changed its name to End-of-Life Choices. According to the group’s Phil Spiers, “The new name is a more direct and more accurate description of who we are and of the issues we support.”

COMMENT: Note the use of the word “choice,” a tactic successfully employed for years now by those who support killing babies.

(Reading: “Hemlock Society changing its name,” Associated Press, 7/21/03)

in vitro fertilization

WEST VIRGINIA: A West Virginia University magazine gushes over a new test tube baby clinic at the Morgantown school’s Center for Reproductive Medicine. The feature notes that embryos not used right away can be frozen for future implantation, but does not mention the fact that some embryos are created and discarded (i.e., killed).

COMMENT: Communique heard from one Morgantown resident who read American Life League’s pamphlet, “IVF violates human dignity,” in his church, and is ready to get involved in the fight against in vitro fertilization. Please use this information to help spread the truth about the test tube baby business.

(Reading: “In vitro fertilization comes to Morgantown,” West Virginia University Alumni Magazine, Summer 2003)

morning-after abortion pill

CALIFORNIA: Lawmakers are debating SB 545, a proposal dealing with “emergency contraception drug therapy.” According to Camille Giglio of California Right to Life, an American Life League associate group, the bill would require pharmacists “to dispense contraceptives over the counter and, very likely, in school based clinics.” She notes that Planned Parenthood has endorsed the bill.

(Reading: SB 545, California State Assembly, 7/16/03; “State of Things,” California Right to Life Committee legislative report, 7/19/03)


CHICKEN LITTLE: Kate Michelman reacted with typical “sky is falling” flailing after a Congressional vote to drop funding for the UN Population Fund, characterizing the move as an attempt to deny “health care and voluntary family planning services to women in developing countries.”

COMMENT: The UNFPA’s “services” often include abortifacient contraceptives and referrals for abortion.

(Reading: “Anti-family-planning lawmakers jeopardize health and welfare of world’s poorest women,” NARAL news release, 7/15/03; also see “US House eliminates $100 million earmarked for UN Population Fund,” Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute Friday Fax, 7/18/03)


ESSAY CONTEST: The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice is sponsoring an essay contest for youth and young adults. The assignment: to write a letter to Sarah Weddington, the lead attorney for abortion advocates in Roe v. Wade. The instructions tell participants to “Write a letter to Sarah, telling her what her courageous fight for reproductive freedom means to you,” because “Sarah Weddington must continue to work tirelessly to protect this basic freedom.” The contest is also being promoted on Planned Parenthood’s “Teenwire” youth web site (beware — this site is rather explicit). The entry form requires participants under 18 to get a parent’s signature.

COMMENT: Of course, the same young person could get an abortion without telling Mom or Dad.

(Reading: “Dear Sarah,” Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice; “Fight for reproductive freedom,” Teenwire)

reflection for prayer

2 CORINTHIANS 4:16-18: We are not discouraged; rather, although our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to what is seen but to what is unseen; for what is seen is transitory, but what is unseen is eternal.