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Communique – Aug. 27, 2004

in this issue:

hot button issues: NEW YORK / STOPP
abortion: CHILE
catholic bishops: CORRECTING GREELEY / PERU / VASA
catholic viewpoints: COMMUNION POLL
human embryonic stem cell research: CALIFORNIA
planned parenthood: CANADIAN OFFENSIVE
practitioners: MISSISSIPPI
reflection for prayer: PSALM 117

hot button issues

NEW YORK: While some observers are disappointed by a federal judge’s decision that the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 is unconstitutional, American Life League notes that the bill was toothless to begin with, and would not have stopped a single abortion.

(Reading: “Judge stops partial-birth abortion ban,” Associated Press, 8/26/04; “Reaction to New York decision in partial-birth abortion case,” American Life League news release, 8/26/04)

STOPP: On the heels of the announcement that minority employees of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles have filed a federal racism complaint against the organization, American Life League’s STOPP International is calling for a federal probe to determine if racial discrimination is widespread at Planned Parenthood facilities. STOPP is asking federal authorities to respond appropriately if evidence of such behavior is discovered.

(Reading: “STOPP International asks for federal probe of racial discrimination at Planned Parenthood,” American Life League news release, 8/20/04; “Planned Parenthood charged with racism,” World Net Daily, 8/19/04)


CHILE: The pro-abortion group “Catholics” for a Free Choice is setting up shop in Chile. Among other things the group is encouraging support for a pro-abortion rally in September. The bishop in Valparaiso is warning Chilean Catholics that “The institution called Catholics for a Free Choice is not part of the Catholic Church, and its position on moral issues clearly contradicts the teaching of the Church.”

(Reading: “Pro-abortion ‘Catholic’ group opens office in Chile,” Catholic World News, 8/24/04)

catholic bishops

CORRECTING GREELEY: Writer Barbara Kralis interviewed three bishops who said Fr. Andrew Greeley was out of line in a recent column in which he said it was okay for Catholics to vote for pro-abortion politicians. Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Neb., told Kralis that Greeley “seems to strongly indicate not only a tragic indifference to abortion, which the Second Vatican Council called ‘an abominable crime,’ but a shallowness of mind akin to a harlequin.”

(Reading: “Three bishops refute flawed theology of Fr. Andrew Greeley,” CatholicOnline, 8/20/04; “Catholics can vote for Kerry,” New York Daily News, 8/10/04)

PERU: The Peruvian bishops conference has issued a report confirming a commonly-cited fact: the abortifacient nature of so-called emergency contraception. Zenit News Service reports, “The information presented has been confirmed by institutions such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Princeton University; Gedeon Ritcher, the laboratory that manufactures and commercializes the drug in various countries; and the 2004 edition of the Physicians’ Desk Reference, a book that lists all the drugs in current use.”

(Reading: “Abortion-causing potential of ‘morning-after’ pill is noted,” Zenit News Service, 8/18/04)

VASA: At least six lay ministers in the Baker, Ore., diocese decided to quit rather than submit to an affirmation of faith required by Bishop Robert Vasa. The bishop says if anyone wants to serve in such a capacity, they must accept Church teachings on matters such as abortion and contraception.

(Reading: “Catholic lay ministers quit over doctrine rule,” Chicago Sun Times, 8/1/04)

catholic viewpoints

COMMUNION POLL: A survey conducted for the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life showed 64% of the Catholics questioned opposed withholding Holy Communion from pro-abortion political figures. Only 22% supported the practice. Withholding Holy Communion garnered greater support from Evangelical Christians than it did from Catholics.

COMMENT: Polls make interesting reading, and point out the need for better religious education among Catholics, but Catholic teachings do not bend to popular whim.

(Reading: “Denial of Communion disapproved,” Washington Times, 8/25/04)

human cloning

PAPAL CONDEMNATION: “The results achieved in various fields of science and technology are considered and defended by many as a priori acceptable,” said Pope John Paul II. “In this way, one ends up expecting that what is technically possible is in itself also ethically good? It is sufficient, as one example among others, to consider man’s attempt to appropriate the sources of life through experiments in human cloning.” He said this is indicative of “the violence with which man tries to appropriate the truth and the just, reducing them to values that he can dispose of freely, that is, without recognizing limits of any kind if not those fixed and continually overcome by technological possibility.”

(Reading: “Pope condemns unethical science, cloning,” Associated Press, 8/23/04)

human embryonic stem cell research

CALIFORNIA: Microsoft computer mogul Bill Gates is giving $400,000 to California’s stem cell initiative campaign. But that contribution is topped by eBay founder Omar Omidyar’s $1 million donation. Proposition 71 would establish a $3 billion state account that would fund research over a 10-year period.

COMMENT: Once again, media reports fail to mention that human embryonic stem cell research is always fatal to the living human embryo whose stem cells are removed in the name of “science.”

(Reading: “Gates contributes to stem cell campaign,” Associated Press, 8/25/04)

planned parenthood

CANADIAN OFFENSIVE: Planned Parenthood Alberta is making a list of doctors who oppose abortion. The group’s web site says women should avoid these physicians, who “may try to delay you from seeking appropriate services or they may scare you with misinformation about the dangers of abortion or they may impose their moral beliefs about abortion.”

(Reading: “Planned Parenthood targets ‘anti-choice’ docs,” Calgary Herald, 8/19/04)


MISSISSIPPI: The state has suspended abortionist Malachy DeHenre’s license. The suspension follows similar action in Alabama, where one of DeHenre’s patients died following an abortion last year. He faces an Alabama state hearing Sept. 22.

(Reading: “Mississippi suspends license of doctor who performs abortions,” Associated Press, 8/19/04)


DEAL HUDSON: We are saddened by the recent negative media reports regarding Deal Hudson, and send Deal and his family our most sincere prayers of hope and encouragement during their time of personal suffering. May the Lord bless the Hudson family in every way.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: American Life League is commemorating 25 years of fighting for the babies. ALL’s board of directors and advisory board are planning a dinner with the theme, “American Life League’s silver anniversary tribute to Judie Brown – her work and times.” The event will take place on Saturday, April 16, 2005 at the Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, Va. (next to Reagan National Airport). More details will be forthcoming. If you have any questions, please e-mail: .

reflection for prayer

PSALM 117: Praise the Lord, all you nations! Give glory, all you peoples! The Lord’s love for us is strong; the Lord is faithful forever. Alleluia!