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Pro-Life This Week May 10, 2024

Week in Review

The Missing Link in Planned Parenthood’s Latest Annual Report: The Abortion Giant’s 640K+ Secret

The following press release went out this week regarding ALL’s deep dive into the Planned Parenthood Annual Report. 

Planned Parenthood’s 2022-2023 annual report, released mid-April 2024, reveals a lot about the abortion giant by what it does not say. 

“Where are the abortion pill numbers?” asks American Life League national director Katie Brown. “That’s the question that should be on every American’s mind.” 

Guttmacher Institute research published on March 19, 2024, reveals that there were approximately 642,700 self-managed pill abortions reported in 2023. The Planned Parenthood-founded research and policy organization tracks abortion data through surveys distributed to abortion vendors. 

“Because Planned Parenthood spends a whopping $700 million of our United States tax dollars,” stated Brown, “every American has a vested interest in what it does with that money. The abortion conglomerate’s most recent annual report leaves us with more questions than answers. Planned Parenthood’s 2022-2023 report leaves out any mention of self-managed, do-it-yourself pill abortions. These so-called ‘medication’ abortions, according to Planned Parenthood’s own CEO, are now the method for 70 percent of all abortions.” 

Brown asked, “How does Alexis McGill Johnson, Planned Parenthood CEO, know that it’s 70 percent? Did that figure jump from the 63 percent reported by Planned Parenthood’s colleagues at the Guttmacher Institute less than a month previously? And yet the annual report makes absolutely no mention of these pill abortions. Americans deserve answers and clarity on how our money is being spent, but all we’re getting are vague statements and conflicting numbers.” 

American Life League is the parent organization of Planned Parenthood watchdog STOPP, the only international organization solely dedicated to putting Planned Parenthood out of business.  

Ed Martin, director of STOPP, added his observation, “What is hidden in the annual report is what Planned Parenthood has already admitted—that there is a sharp increase in at-home, do-it-yourself abortions. By referring people to affiliated efforts, such as abortion pill prescribers, Planned Parenthood attempts to hide its real impact.” 

“Our research found that Planned Parenthood is referring more abortions than it is actually doing,” Brown explained, “with its referrals to abortion pill distributors being more than double the number of babies they killed via ‘in house’ abortions.”  

Planned Parenthood’s website blog states, “Depending on the state you live in, you may be able to have a video or phone visit with a doctor or nurse for the prescription and then have the abortion pills mailed to you, or pick them up at a local pharmacy.” The blog goes on to instruct the reader to visit an external website to “find out where you can access abortion, including prescriptions for the abortion pill.” Planned Parenthood then invites those who have questions about the abortion pill to “chat with one of our live health educators.”  

The Planned Parenthood report states that 863,000 people clicked through on its provided referral link to access abortion and abortion pills in states where abortion is limited. That referral link is operated by Power to Decide, whose CEO Raegan McDonald-Mosley previously served as the chief medical officer at two Planned Parenthood abortion venues and as the CEO of one.  

“Planned Parenthood is raking in more private and federal money than ever in the history of the organization,” stated Brown. “Planned Parenthood can’t show us what it is doing with our money, but then it flashes its profits in our faces. If you’re not yet angry as a taxpayer, you should be.” 

“The Planned Parenthood annual report reveals that the abortion giant is growing at a breathtakingly fast rate. Its revenue is up, both in tax dollar contributions and private donations,” concurred Martin. “The number of contacts with people seeking abortion is up. And of course, the raw numbers for abortions are up. That’s terrible news for those of us trying to save lives.” 

“More than ever, Americans must demand that Planned Parenthood be defunded,” Martin concluded. “We must insist that there be more transparency in regard to dangerous do-it-yourself abortions.”

Charity Watchlist Update: GoFundMe

Recently, our research department received a request from supporters to investigate GoFundMe—the well-known crowdfunding/fundraising platform/charity—for American Life League’s Charity Watchlist project. After looking closely into the organization, ALL discovered that GoFundMe has a history of supporting anti-life agendas, including abortion. The organization’s link to supporting abortion dates to 2019, when it promoted a fundraising project called “Fight Back: Protect Abortion Access” led by Planned Parenthood, National Network of Abortion Funds, and the ACLU. GoFundMe’s CEO at the time even offered a statement about this campaign, saying: “Reproductive rights are human rights, and GoFundMe is proud to join this movement and work alongside these organizations fighting to protect women all across the country. We encourage business leaders, advocates, and individuals to get involved and stay involved in the ‘Fight Back’ campaign.” 

GoFundMe continues to list this campaign as an “achievement” on its website annual report timeline. Additionally, GoFundMe has a page dedicated on its “LGBTQ” site that directs users to donate to specific LGBTQ+ fundraisers, which includes a category of crowdfunding requests to “fund gender-affirming care.” Clicking on the link, most of these fundraisers are created by young people asking for help to fund their “trans surgeries.” With GoFundMe’s blatant support of anti-life agendas, ALL concluded that the organization will receive a Red rating (not worthy of pro-life support) on the Charity Watchlist. 

The Charity Watchlist also tries to find alternative charities that promote the dignity of human life. ALL can recommend the platform GiveSendGo as an alternative platform for pro-lifers interested in crowdfunding. GiveSendGo began in 2015 with an emphasis on creating an online crowdfunding source that would go “beyond simply funding people’s material needs to providing hope for people’s spiritual needs.” In addition to allowing individuals to post their fundraisers, GiveSendGo has a section that allows users to send a note of prayer to the individual fundraiser. GiveSendGo not only allows fundraisers for pro-life campaigns for pro-life walks and pregnancy care centers, but it also has a pro-life statement of its own. In an email to ALL’s research department, CFO Jacob Wells said, “GiveSendGo firmly believes in the sanctity of life. Our official statement as a platform and what we allow is: GiveSendGo does not allow murder on our platform, and killing a baby at any stage after conception is murder.” Due to their pro-life stance, ALL is pleased to give GiveSendGo a green (worthy of pro-life support) rating and recommend this charity as an alternative for crowdfunding.  

Please visit ALL’s Charity Watchlist to learn more and contact us with your charity recommendations to add to our list.

ALL in the News

ALL’s deep dive into the Planned Parenthood annual report was released this week. The story was featured by LifeNewsThe StreamLifeSiteNews, and One America News Network.

Susan Ciancio, editor of Celebrate Life Magazine and director of Culture of Life Studies Program (ALL’s pro-life education program for kids in pre-K-12th grade in both homes and schools), writes weekly commentaries on timely pro-life topics. This week, in honor of his feast day, she wrote about St. Damien of Molokai. She also wrote about Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report. It was published by LifeSiteNews.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of 

Pro-Life Education

Culture of Life Studies Program

When Heroes Become Saints: Saint Damien de Veuster of Molokai: This lesson tells the story of St. Damien de Veuster of Molokai, a heroic priest who volunteered to serve the lepers on the desolate peninsula of Molokai in Hawaii. St. Damien showed his flock that even though they suffered from a debilitating disease they deserved to be treated with dignity and respect and honored as adopted sons and daughters of God. This lesson challenges students to think about the outcasts whom they encounter in their own lives and how they can follow the example of St. Damien by reaching out to them. ORDER HERE

ALL’s Education Materials

Marian Blue Wave Prayer Card: Our spiritual mother is with us always. And along with her Son, she will help us conquer evil. This beautiful prayer card features Mary on one side and the Memorare on the other. SHOP NOW

Pro-Life Social Media

Video: Abortion Research Indicates the Pro-Life Movement Is Failing

The number of annual preborn child killings reached a peak of 1.6 million in 1990. Since then, the numbers of preborn children murdered year after year has been in a slow decline. Then a few years ago that trend began to reverse as more mothers chose to kill their children at home with pills rather than be subject to the hands of a professional abortionist. 

So, what happened? Did Planned Parenthood run an aggressive campaign of culling mothers into its abortion stores? Has Congress given women some additional benefits for executing their children? How about a campaign by pro-life groups to regulate the killings rather than provide equal protection? If you think it’s either of the first two, then watch the video below as we explain the failings of today’s influential pro-life groups.