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roe v. wade

Gynecology before ‘Roe v. Wade’

By Frederick N. Dyer
Although there is a society of at least 900 pro-life gynecologists, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG)

‘Abortion’ May Not Be What You Think

The definitions of the terms used in a discussion can and do change the outcome. The political maxim, “He who frames the issue wins the debate” applies in many situations including how the public views what abortion is and why it is either legitimate or illicit.

Demonizing Human Persons, Denying Human Rights

The news out of Nebraska this week is both sobering and shocking. Pro-life Americans hear that the abortion industry is dwindling, but Dr. Leroy Carhart, infamous abortionist in the U.S. Supreme Court partial-birth abortion case Gonzales vs. Carhart, would take issue with that apparent false claim.