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pope francis

The Family, the Devil, and You

American Life League understands the importance of the family in society and the toxicity surrounding it today. To this end, we have begun a new campaign called Defend the Family. Today’s commentary talks more about this and explains how you can take part.

What Is a Suffering Man Worth?

By Arland K. Nichols
How much is man worth? So asked Pope Francis in a recent letter to the Pontifical Academy for Life on the occasion of the estimable academy’s annual meeting and celebration of its 20th anniversary.

Obama Abuses Pope’s Gift to Reward Nancy Pelosi for Role as ‘Catholic’ Court Jester

By Paul E. Rondeau
On March 27, self-described “staunch Catholic” House minority leader Nancy Pelosi excitedly accepted Planned Parenthood’s highest honor, the Margaret Sanger Award—named in honor of the eugenicist who founded America’s largest abortion chain. Only days later at a luncheon on Tuesday, April 1, Pelosi was presented with a gift from Pope Francis.

The Devil Made Me Do It!

Satan may be depicted as a red-horned creature, but his appearance is much more insidious. He comes to us through other people, through actions, through thoughts all of which may seem rather innocuous unless you truly examine them. It’s all too easy for thoughts to creep into our heads and hearts that make sins seem “not so bad” and that’s how Satan works. He chips away at morality one stone at a time, until there’s nothing left.

Baby Pandas, Human Babies, and the Press

A sweet newborn baby being loved and doted upon, every movement and sound watched and carefully noted. Sounds like a typical newborn human baby, but in this case, we are talking about a baby animal. Recently we were given a sad example of just how much more our society values animals than preborn babies. This discrepancy should sicken your stomach, should make you think, and should lead you to action.

Downing Tools

By Vincenzina Santoro
With the aid of a couple of priests and security guards willing to look the other way, Dr. Antonio Oriente of Messina (Sicily) placed his former instruments of death at the feet of Pope Francis during a recent meeting of gynecologists at the Vatican.

Pope Francis and the Rumor Mill

Though we may not always understand the pope s actions, we must trust him to do God’s will. God’s will is not always clear to us right away, so often we must silence our hearts and listen, for when God speaks, we must be ready to hear.

All Praise and Thanksgiving to You, Oh God!

This time of year, we express our thankfulness more often. We tell others how we feel and maybe even perform works of charity. We remember those who cannot be with us or who have passed from this life. But let us never forget the smallest among us who never had the chance to live a life outside the womb. Let us not forget those who are sick or terminally ill. And let us always be thankful for the life we have been given and vow to make the lives of our fellow human beings better and more rewarding. For if we do not help others, who will?

Why Doesn’t Pope Francis Do Something?

Through His commandments and the tenets of the Church, God lays out a plan for how we should live in order to attain eternal life. All we need to do is listen and then act. Yet, all too often, people don’t want to listen, and they definitely don’t want to act. They are then left to wonder what happened.