Heartbreaking Changes at the Pontifical Academy for Life
Disturbing changes at the Vatican and important research highlight this week’s news.
Disturbing changes at the Vatican and important research highlight this week’s news.
Have you heard the disturbing news about the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life?
Recently, a meeting of the Pontifical Academy for Life occurred in Vatican City. It was suggested by some members of the Academy prior to the meeting that there could be a bit of “fireworks” due to the questionable statements that had been made by Academy President Archbishop Rino Fisichella during the previous year.
By Arland K. Nichols
How much is man worth? So asked Pope Francis in a recent letter to the Pontifical Academy for Life on the occasion of the estimable academy’s annual meeting and celebration of its 20th anniversary.
Once thought of as blessings from God, babies are now merely commodities possessions to be tinkered with at whim. And, when they aren’t wanted, or when something goes wrong, we just discard them like trash and start over. Catholic clergy have spoken about this tragedy that has befallen our society, but not enough have used their voices, nor have they spoken loudly enough. We cannot sit back and watch this calamity unfold. It is time for them all to speak loudly.
Founder of Nation’s Oldest Catholic Pro-Life Group Tackles Abuse of “Palliative Care” at 3rd Annual Life Conference.
Sometimes Gallup polls strike me the wrong way. One of the most recent, entitled “Cloning Still Unpopular: Gallup Poll” falls into that category.
It is a slight nuance, between what May wrote and what Dignitas Personae actually stated, but it’s an important one.
Statement on the So-Called “Morning-After Pill” Pontifical Academy for Life, October 31, 2000 It is a well-known chemical product (of the hormonal type) which has… Read More »Birth Control – Emergency Contraception – Catholic Teaching
Over the past few weeks, a rumor has emerged among Vatican sources that the current president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Archbishop Salvatore “Rino” Fisichella, may be appointed as the head of a new dicastery in the Vatican.
Judie Brown, president of American Life League and member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, is requesting that the Academy postpone a November conference on the ethics of organ transplantation entitled “A Gift for Life.”
Judie Brown, president of American Life League and a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, offers the following report on the academy’s February 27-28 meeting on the moral status of the preimplantation human embryo.