Act Now to Stop Planned Parenthood Funding in the Senate!
Find out what you can do to stop taxpayer money from funding the largest abortion provider in the country.
Find out what you can do to stop taxpayer money from funding the largest abortion provider in the country.
What can you do to stop taxpayer money from reaching Planned Parenthood?
Many Americans are finally understanding the destruction Planned Parenthood wreaks on a daily basis.
You have a perfect opportunity in the next few weeks to make your voice heard.
On January 8, 2016, the United States Congress passed a bill repealing Obamacare and defunding Planned Parenthood for one year.
When will our society understand the truly evil nature of the nation’s largest killer of preborn babies?
Today begins the nationwide National Day of Prayer and Protest against Planned Parenthood.
The pro-life generation is stronger than ever and Planned Parenthood knows it.
Take time next weekend to show the world the truth about PP and its nefarious practices.
A plea to Congress and the airing of an informative documentary highlight this week’s news.
We understand the “game” that PP plays on a daily basis to convince people of its worth, but we also understand the truth—that playing with and destroying innocent lives is never a game. Learn how to discern and teach the truth.
Learn what this proposed bill says and how it will affect our country.