ALL President Judie Brown Statement on Down Syndrome Awareness Month
American Life League president Judie Brown issued the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s recognition of October as Down Syndrome Awareness Month
American Life League president Judie Brown issued the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s recognition of October as Down Syndrome Awareness Month
No one likes to suffer, but humans are not animals who can be “put down” when infirmity or old age comes. How do we teach respect for God’s children in an era where assisted suicide is becoming more and more acceptable?
American Life League’s Culture of Life Studies Program will partner with the esteemed Institute for Excellence in Writing to host a pro-life essay contest.
It used to be that taking a knee showed respect and reverence. Is that no longer the case?
Does your child like to write about his pro-life beliefs?
It’s not enough to be personally pro-life. To be serious about ending abortion and other threats against life, we have to lay an intellectual, moral, and logical foundation for pro-life beliefs.
What are ALL staff members discussing this week?
The Culture of Life Studies Program has amazing educational resources for your entire family.
What did the pope say about President Trump?
Do you want to live in a culture that comforts you when you’re seriously ill or dying? Or do you want one that brushes you aside and tells you to die?
From free abortions to racism, this week’s news will open your eyes.
Over the last few months, much discussion and even some violence have surrounded the existence of statues and other reminders of the American Civil War.