Outgoing Planned Parenthood President’s Legacy Seen in One Image
What did Cecile Richards leave behind for PP?
What did Cecile Richards leave behind for PP?
You are the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and this past weekend was the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions of the United States Supreme Court.
What’s the latest news abroad and in America this week?
Like David fighting Goliath, we must fight Planned Parenthood until it falls.
This past week’s events make us hopeful for a future in which all babies are cherished.
While we have no independent knowledge at this time on Cecile’s plans, it would not be a surprise to us if she decided to step down.
This past week, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund revealed a desperate effort to save their joint corporate existence.
The truth that God made us either male or female has gotten lost on PP’s supporters.
Each and every day, people live in apathy while children are mercilessly slaughtered right here within our own borders.
What can you do to stop taxpayer money from reaching Planned Parenthood?
What and who influence you and your family? How can we make sure that those who are toxic do not destroy souls?
When will our society understand the truly evil nature of the nation’s largest killer of preborn babies?