‘Catholic’ Governor Trashes Christ
It’s hard to imagine the likes of Illinois governor Pat Quinn and his latest foray into the absurd. What is even more disgusting is the politically motivated response to Quinn from the Illinois Catholic Conference.
It’s hard to imagine the likes of Illinois governor Pat Quinn and his latest foray into the absurd. What is even more disgusting is the politically motivated response to Quinn from the Illinois Catholic Conference.
The Obama administration is close to proclaiming from its glass mountaintop the final decision to require most health insurers to cover contraceptives, the morning-after pill, and elective sterilization.
Roman Catholic bishops in Ohio have ordered a ban on raising funds in their dioceses’ institutions for a leading foundation that battles against breast cancer—Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
The statement is probably long overdue, though it’s clear the Church has never condoned direct killing for any reason.
President of oldest Catholic pro-life group praises USCCB call for cutting funds to nation’s #1 abortion provider
Nine days ago a regional director for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) released a decision that is sure to effect a conflict that should exist between religious institutions and secular entities such as labor unions.
This past Friday Judge Andrew Napolitano, Catholic host of Fox Business Channels Freedom Watch, conducted an interview with anti-capital punishment activist Sister Helen Prejean.
President Obama has been romancing Catholics once again, and is apparently doing so with impunity, even though he insists that, as a Christian, he can favor the killing of the innocent.
Today marks the fourth day of a gathering of America’s Catholic bishops. The bishops have come together to reflect, pray and discuss how best to grow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are necessary to be an agent of hope for their priests.
Washington, D.C. (01 June 2010) – The Reform CCHD Now coalition (RCN) announced today that detailed reports on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)… Read More »Reports of CCHD Malfeasance Sent Directly to Bishops Before Upcoming Meeting
Washington, D.C. (14 May 2010) – Judie Brown, president of American Life League, expressed dismay after the Diocese of Spokane, Washington, informed ALL that it will… Read More »Spokane Diocese to Hold CCHD Collection Despite Funding of Pro-Abortion, Same-Sex Marriage Groups