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catholic bishops

Catholic Bishops: Paper Tigers or Roaring Lions?

Catholic bishops and clergy have a responsibility to not only make their voices heard, but to teach those of the Catholic faith how to use their own voices. This means that the clergy must instruct and teach regularly about Catholic tenets and doctrine, yet we do not see this. As we see a continuing moral decline in our country, we realize now more than ever that we need to hear a roar rather than a whimper.

What Did You Think Would Happen?

By Hugh R. Brown
It’s ironic to watch the American Catholic bishops and our Church being devoured by those they fear, by the very people whose potential scorn and criticism have such power over so many of these men that the very thought of being labeled or persecuted by them seems to frighten them into practically abandoning Christ.

Let’s Not Tolerate the Intolerable!

Christ is truly present body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Holy Eucharist. We must venerate His presence, honor Him for all He has done for us, and remain reverent at all times. Yet, too many do not take His presence seriously. Some even mock Him. Now is the time for each of us both clergy and lay people to stop this disgrace and return the respect to Our Lord that He deserves.

The Cardinal’s Criteria Fall into Question

Just yesterday, the Al Smith Dinner, which has been the focus of many efforts at American Life League in our quest to encourage Cardinal Timothy Dolan to disinvite President Barack Obama, took place with the totally pro-abortion president attending and in excellent humor—as was the cardinal.