Obama Chronicles VI: Rebellious Sebelius
Kathleen Sebelius, current governor of Kansas and alleged Catholic, has distinguished herself in many ways. Most disturbing among them is her long-held support for the act of abortion.
Kathleen Sebelius, current governor of Kansas and alleged Catholic, has distinguished herself in many ways. Most disturbing among them is her long-held support for the act of abortion.
It is perpetually true that when a genuine threat to the status quo becomes more than an idea in someone’s imagination, those who are most threatened by innovation become overcome with anxiety from which flows a whole lot of garbage.
An Oregon high school math teacher will face an attack Friday from an affiliate of the nation’s largest abortion business.
The Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s research arm, released a pitch today for more taxpayer funding for ‘family planning services’ – contraception and abortion. Every dollar spent on ‘family planning programs’ saves the American people $4, the study says.
People who live in assisted living communities or those who are contemplating such a move should meet my husband’s cousin, Shirley. She is a living dynamo
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is about to pull off, at least according to some, a real coup by being given the opportunity to have a photo op and a conversation with the Vicar of Christ on Earth
Let me begin by saying that it is never my practice to write about rumors or tales from the blogosphere. So when I got the following message, my heart went right into my throat (figuratively speaking) and I decided at once that the story was a hoax.
Though the media has not been bubbling over with reports about the courage of Catholic bishops versus the nonsensical stammering of those who persist in wanting to be identified as Catholic
The following is a statement from Judie Brown, president of American Life League, on the eugenics element woven into the health-care provisions of the stimulus package agreed upon by the House and Senate Feb. 11 as reported by the Associated Press and San Jose Mercury News.
In California, State Senator Sam Aanestad is investigating a “pilot project” involving the training of nurse midwives and physicians’ assistants to perform “suction aspiration” abortions.
While it really isn’t surprising that President Obama would be working his way toward some sort of politically motivated abortion program, it is quite interesting that he has chosen to use his new
It is becoming increasingly clear to me that I’m out of step with the rest of the world. And boy, am I glad! It’s not just me, either. Everyone who fully embraces a pro-life philosophy