Durbin two-step
Senator Richard Durbin, who defines his religious identity as Catholic, is very, very confused. He says that even though he used to oppose abortion consistently
Senator Richard Durbin, who defines his religious identity as Catholic, is very, very confused. He says that even though he used to oppose abortion consistently
udge John Roberts’ nomination to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court has people along the fringes, both on the pro-abortion and the pro-life side, so busy positioning for the “big battle” that it almost makes one dizzy.
in this issue: hot button issues: PETITION SEN. SPECTER / PRO-LIFE MEMORIAL DAY / VACCINE UPDATEabortion: MIFEPRISTONE (RU-486)birth control: DEPO-PROVERAcatholic bishops: CANON 915 / DENUNCIATIONSdark side: PLANNED PARENTHOODethics: HUMAN EMBRYOSeuthanasia: PAIN PATCHhistory: STERILIZATIONmorning-after… Read More »Communique – Jul. 29, 2005
in this issue: hot button issues: A FAIR HEARING / CRUSADE WALKS / RU-486 DEATHS / VACCINESbirth control patch: RISKSculture of death: HUMAN APESeuthanasia: CULTURE OF DEATH TIMELINEmorning-after abortion… Read More »Communique – Jul. 22, 2005
in this issue: abortion: 4D ULTRASOUNDbirth control pill: HEALTH RISKbush: BETRAYING PRO-LIFE CAUSEculture of death: 1965 ACOG BULLETIN / WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATIONeuthanasia: MASSACHSETTSpersonhood: HUMAN BEING AS INDIVIDUAL schiavo: GOV. BUSHstem cell breakthrough: SINGAPOREweb news: FAMILY… Read More »Communique – Jul. 15, 2005
in this issue: abortion: ATTITUDES / DOMESTIC VIOLENCE / SURPRISING PRO-LIFE STUDYbush: PRO-ABORT PALeuthanasia: BRITAIN / MUDDY WATERShuman embryonic stem cell research: PRE-EMBRYO MYTHmorning-after abortion pills: NEW HAMPSHIREplanned parenthood: DICTIONARY OF… Read More »Communique – Jul. 8, 2005
With all the commentary, articles, analyses and “big brothers” like Bill O’Reilly lookin’ out for us, it was surely a pleasure to read a down to earth
in this issue: hot button issues: ALL CALLS FOR MAHONY RESIGNATIONadolescents: ABSTINENCEare human embryos human beings? MARIO CUOMOhospice: BAIT AND SWITCHhuman embryonic stem cell research: HERITAGE FOUNDATION WRONG / IRVING… Read More »Communique – Jul. 5, 2005
Remember the 1980s hit “Another One Bites the Dust” by Queen? That song is about getting even by killing people.
in this issue: abortion: RIGHT TO PRIVACYculture of life: HOPE IN VIRGINIAeuthanasia: BLACK SHOES / EVALUATING SUFFERINGpolitics: DIVINE INTERVENTIONschiavo: INTERRED / MANAGING CONFLICTstem cell research: HUMAN EMBRYOwisdom: POPE BENEDICT XVIzinger: AWAKE BUT NOT… Read More »Communique – Jun. 24, 2005
St. Sabina’s Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Chicago has had, among those who have spoken from the pulpit
in this issue: hot button issues: BISHOPS MEETING / CRUSADE WALK VIDEOS / TERRI SCHIAVOamerican life league associates: PHARMACISTS FOR LIFE INTERNATIONAL / PRO-LIFE WISCONSINbirth control: IUD COMEBACKculture… Read More »Communique – Jun. 17, 2005