Open Letter to Catholics and Catholic Organizations
Members of the Catholic Medical Association have been carefully monitoring the process and content of the health-care reform debate from our unique perspective as Catholic physicians.
Members of the Catholic Medical Association have been carefully monitoring the process and content of the health-care reform debate from our unique perspective as Catholic physicians.
According to recent news stories on the Obama administration’s effort to investigate the Bush administration’s authorization of certain interrogation techniques
Planned Parenthood is circulating another commentary that is apparently appealing to many newspaper editors, including Palm Springs’ own Desert Sun.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human Development has been at the center of more sleazy news reports over the years than anyone could possibly count. I remember when
Sometimes e-mail provokes deeper reflection about a pro-life subject. I don’t like to rush to respond when there are layers of meaning in the comments being made. In this case, I think the final result of my reflections needs to be stated publicly.
Today, it is my sincere privilege to provide you with what is the last word on the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s funeral.
Why would a thriving Catholic hospital endanger its ethical mission by teaming up with a medical conglomerate that supports abortion, contraception, the morning-after pill and human embryonic stem cell research?
In the past week, we have seen multiple negative responses to our views on supposedly Catholic institutions’ involvement with the Obama administration’s health care “reform” plan.
Catholics United, an organization known for promoting legislation that violates Catholic teaching and supporting dissident Catholic politicians, has joined three lay-run supposedly Catholic nonprofit groups that are supporting the Obama health care proposal.
Catholic Charities USA was awarded its first ever federal contract to the tune of $100 million after American Life League broke news that the group is actively supporting the Obama administration’s vision for health care reform.
Our office’s recent media release has created quite a stir about the folks at the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
American Life League president Judie Brown called on three of the top Catholic charitable organizations to condemn the Obama health-care plan in the wake of an emerging scandal.