Komen, Planned Parenthood, and Catholic Ethicists: A Very Bad Heartache
One day last month a friend sent me a copy of a letter she had received from Eric Winer, the chief scientific advisor for Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
One day last month a friend sent me a copy of a letter she had received from Eric Winer, the chief scientific advisor for Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Two shepherds of the Catholic Church recently spoke out in defense of all that is true and good about Catholic people and their desire to hear, know and understand truth.
Roman Catholics here in the Archdiocese of Boston have had the benefit of health care administered according to the teaching of Christ, Our Lord, for 147 years. There is now a very serious threat to its continuance, and that is the reason for this letter.
We are heartened to read of the most recent statements by Father Michael Rodriguez, parish priest at El Paso, Texas, San Juan Bautista Catholic Church.
It comes as no surprise that, when the dust settled and pro-abortion Catholic Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Kathleen Sebelius
God’s law in the Old Testament is clear and unambiguous: You shall not kill. Jesus is even more demanding: Every one who is angry is liable to judgment.
We know that the internet alone has saved countless babies because of the availability of incredible 4-D ultrasound images like those presented in ALL’s Baby Steps video.
Dr. Anchell is the author of many valuable books on this topic including: “Killers of Children;” and “What’s Wrong with Sex Education.” A Psychoanalytic Look… Read More »A Psychoanalytic Look at Today’s Sex Education
The Church has always taught that the intentional direct killing of innocent human beings is morally EVIL and that “no one can claim for himself… Read More »Catholic Church Teachings
Recent headlines underscore the very reasons why it would have served the most vulnerable in our midst to have champions instead of politicians among the USCCB. It won’t take a rocket scientist to get my point. Just stick with me for a minute or two.
Today marks the fourth day of a gathering of America’s Catholic bishops. The bishops have come together to reflect, pray and discuss how best to grow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are necessary to be an agent of hope for their priests.
Statement on the So-Called “Morning-After Pill” Pontifical Academy for Life, October 31, 2000 It is a well-known chemical product (of the hormonal type) which has… Read More »Birth Control – Emergency Contraception – Catholic Teaching