Advocates for Life Undeterred by Failure
Stakes are high for vulnerable due to pending implementation of new law.
Stakes are high for vulnerable due to pending implementation of new law.
In today’s culture, it is not simply enough to hold pro-life convictions in your heart; you must act on those convictions and actively teach your children to distinguish between the culture of life and the culture of death.
The heartening courage and tenacity of a group of sisters inspires us all.
See what all the buzz is about.
Use caution in your language and when passing along pro-life pictures. Remember, you are the advocate for babies and for the truth.
As dedicated pro-lifers, we often think that the best way to combat the culture of death is to do battle in the public sector.
The only folks who might have missed the fallacious claim that 98 percent of Catholics use contraception are those who have no newspaper or television set around. Lucky folks!
Across North America today, there are calls to make the birth control pill accessible over the counter.
By Rob Gasper recently broke a story concerning nearly $3 million in funding from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to an abortion and contraceptive providing agency named Population Services International (PSI).
The history of Catholics for Choice reveals a group of alleged Catholics who dissent from Church teaching. They do this in very public ways and have done so from the organization’s founding in 1973.
By Michael Hichborn
Genuine social justice is not composed of bureaucracies, collaboration with government agencies, and high salaries.
The media and many in government positions use fear and intimidation to keep morality at bay. Standing up for God’s word or the tenets of a Christian faith will get you labelled a bigot or closed minded. They expect us to just be quiet and accept today’s “changes.” But we cannot, and should not, acquiesce.