Week in Review – The disappointing document from the US bishops
[Before discussing the document, we ask for prayers for a special pro-lifer. As the early church prayed for Peter (ACTS: 12.5), we ask you to pray today for Bill in Oregon and his family. Bill is a pro-life hero who has suffered—and is still suffering—many attacks of the devil for his long and public stand against Planned Parenthood. He faces a particularly challenging day today.]
Today we bring you the sad news from the Fall United States Conference of Catholic Bishops meeting that the final vote on a disappointing statement on the reception of Communion by public figures who support abortion was 222-8 (with three abstentions). The final document can be viewed on the USCCB website.
The situation is sad because the final document failed to even address the question. Instead, the document was filled with platitudes about dialogue and fraternity and completely devoid of any hint of enforcing Church law—specifically, Canon 916, which prohibits those guilty of public manifest grave sin from presenting themselves for Communion, and Canon 915, which prohibits those distributing Communion from giving the Eucharist to any such person.
The document did clearly state what Canon 915 and other Church teachings state about the worthy reception of Communion. It said that people who do not follow Church teaching are not to present themselves for Communion. But it never said anything about the bishops following those statements and actually enforcing Church law.
Clearly, there were a few bishops who, during the public discussion time, spoke eloquently about the need to protect Christ in the Eucharist. Some even spoke about pro-abortion “Catholic” politicians.
In the end, however, in an electronic vote, only eight bishops had the courage to vote against the document; the vote was 222-8.
American Life League president, Judie Brown, stated after the vote:
“I am extremely disappointed in the American Catholic bishops, but I am not surprised. For some reason, the bishops are worried about offending Joe Biden, but they are not worried about offending Christ in the Eucharist—even though their job is to teach the Truth and to defend Christ at all costs. . . . the bishops have become political, and once you become political, you lose your moral authority. ALL has been confronting this with the bishops for over 20 years and it has gotten worse, not better. The problem with the bishops is that they are politicians. They want to be popular; they want to be embraced by the Democratic Party, and all of that comes before their desire to teach the Truth and to bring souls to Christ. . . . In my opinion, this document will confuse the average Catholic. After 20 years of a lack of catechization, many Catholics don’t even understand what the Church teaches. . . .”
Let us pray for our bishops—that they will have the courage to become unpopular and enforce the actual Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church. If the pope and the bishops are not going to enforce it, who will?
American Life League has worked for decades to get the bishops to enforce the rules of the Catholic Church. While this document was a clear disappointment, it was not unexpected. Know that ALL will continue to lead the effort in Defending Christ from Sacrilege.
ALL in the News – ALL Celebrates the Life of Pro-Life Hero, Paul Brown
On Thursday November 4, Paul Brown, ALL co-founder and husband of ALL president, Judie Brown, passed away at age 83. In tribute to his dedication to the babies, Judie Brown wrote this moving commentary linked here. Paul was married to Judie for 53 years, and he was the father of Hugh Brown, ALL executive vice president, and grandfather of Katie Brown, director of the Marian Blue Wave program.
ALL officials released an official statement on November 5 mourning Paul’s passing. The press release, linked here, appeared on more than 20 sites online, the most notable among them being The Catholic World Report, CBN News, The Wanderer, Live Action, and Before It’s News.

Twice a week, Judie Brown’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s Tuesday commentary, Taking Off the Mask, appeared on the ALL home page. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.

Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time). Each show features an update on what is happening in the pro-life world, and frequently guests will appear on the show to provide first-hand updates and experiences.
Video of the Week – Watch Katie and Dwain explain The Salvation Army’s contradiction of principles.
That time of year has come once again. The Salvation Army unleashes its hordes of red kettles in hopes that holiday shoppers will empty their pockets of loose change. Despite The SA’s admission that “human life is sacred,” it abandons this principle when it comes to preborn human life.
According to its official position statement on abortion, The SA recognizes the “complex reasons” a mother might choose to kill her preborn—rape, incest, and fetal abnormality. Watch Katie and Dwain explain The Salvation Army’s contradiction of principles.
Action Item of the Week – The National Day of Repentance and Solemn Assemblies
If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chron. 7:14)
November 30 – December 2, 2021
On Wednesday, December 1, 2021, the Supreme Court will be hearing the Oral Argument
in the Mississippi law regulating Late-Term Abortion Case, Dobbs. The law will prohibit most late-term abortions after 15 weeks gestation.
American Life League believes that this presents a great opportunity for the Supreme Court to “get it right” and declare that every human being, starting at creation, is entitled to all the rights of every other innocent human being—including the right to life.
Such a decision would end the decriminalized killing of preborn children in the United States.
We add our voice to that of other groups and encourage all people to come together to pray the day before, the day of, and the day after oral arguments. The final decision on this case will probably be announced by the Supreme Court in June 2022, so we must continue to pray, even after this three-day event.
Please join the global 40-hour broadcast, featuring:
- Live prayer and worship events at the Lincoln Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, and the Supreme Court on November 30, 2021
- Hear the Supreme Court Oral Argument on December 1, 2021, at 10am ET
- Mississippi’s “Empowering Women” Rally in front of the Supreme Court on December 1, 2021, from 8am to 12pm ET
- Prayers for the Supreme Court justices by name on December 2, 2021
For more information and to view the global 40-hour broadcast, visit:
Q: May I attend in person in DC?
A: Yes, please contact nationaldayofrepentance@gmail.com for scheduling and more information.
Q: How can I get more involved locally if I cannot attend in person in DC?
A: Several ways: Share this event, assemble a group from your church for a viewing and praying gathering during the event, pray in front of abortion clinics, donate to pregnancy resource centers, sign The Moral Outcry petition at TheMoralOutcry.com, share the NDR Promo video and prayer guides on our website.
Pray for the Supreme Court justices to rule with righteousness, to not just overturn Roe v. Wade, but to end all abortion in America by recognizing what everyone who has seen an ultrasound of a preborn child already knows, that the preborn child is a distinct human being with all the rights guaranteed by the Constitution—including the right to life.
Let us pray to end the innocent shedding of blood in our land. Most importantly, pray for the
Body of Christ in America to turn from our wicked ways and repent.
Pro-life Social Media – The month of November is dedicated to the holy souls awaiting the joy of eternal beatitude but still requiring purgation of earthly attachments.
From the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
From the beginning the Church has honored the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that, thus purified, they may attain the beatific vision of God. The Church also commends almsgiving, indulgences, and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead. [CCC 1032]
The dead cannot pray for themselves. They need us, the Church Militant, to offer sacrifice and penance on their behalf. If we remain faithful to Christ and His teachings, then we, too, will join them. This is why it’s so important to pass this instruction onto others, so that one day they can pray for us.
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