Week in Review – Colorado Bishops Pen Open Letter to Pro-Abortion Catholic State Lawmakers—They are No Longer to Receive Holy Communion; More Attacks and Violence Against Pro-Life Americans
Colorado lawmakers recently signed into law the Reproductive Health Equity Act, enshrining abortion for any reason, at any time, into Colorado state law. This comes as the Supreme Court is expected to rule on the highly anticipated Dobbs abortion case any day.
In response to Colorado state lawmakers passing the bill on to the governor, the Catholic bishops of Colorado have banded together to bar the Catholic politicians who voted “yes” from receiving Holy Communion.
In an open letter to the Catholic politicians who voted in favor of the bill, the bishops stated that they have made attempts to discuss the serious repercussions of this law with state lawmakers but have not received a response.
We have a strong desire to discuss the spiritual and cultural impact of laws like RHEA with politicians of both parties who say they are Catholic and who represent people in our state. As their shepherds we want to ensure that they understand the Church’s teaching on receiving Holy Communion and the proper spiritual disposition for doing so. Efforts have already been made to speak with several of these lawmakers, but unfortunately, very few of them have accepted the invitation to meet.
The bishops then went on to explain how damaging this law is, not only to the preborn child, but to the souls of the people in their care. The bishops then instructed the pro-abortion politicians to refrain from participating in Holy Communion, until they make amends for their grave sin.
We pray that this letter and our request to refrain from receiving Jesus in the Eucharist spurs sincere reflection and conversion in the hearts of those who have participated in allowing this grave act of injustice to become law. This request is not one that we make lightly, but since it is our duty to safeguard the faith and care for the souls of all the faithful – including these politicians – we must make it.
This brave move by the Colorado bishops comes days after Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco barred Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion.
This week, more pro-life pregnancy resource centers report attacks from anti-life terrorists, the most recent being a clinic in the suburbs of Buffalo, NY.
CompassCare, a pregnancy resource center in Amherst, NY, was firebombed and attacked by a hate group that claims responsibility for all pro-life attacks. Thankfully, no one was in the building at the time of the attack, but first responders sustained injuries while putting out the fire. The damage to the building will result in several hundreds of thousands of dollars in repairs.
This is the latest in several attacks against pro-life groups, churches, and even members of SCOTUS. On Tuesday morning, a man was arrested in Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s neighborhood, claiming he wanted to kill the judge. According to police, the man said he was upset about the SCOTUS leak stating Roe might be overturned, as well as the school shooting in Texas.
ALL in the News – Hugh Brown on Trending with Timmerie; Rita Diller Gives First Interview as New STOPP Interim Director
On Thursday, American Life League vice president Hugh Brown was a guest on Trending with Timmerie’s Gentlemen’s hour on Relevant Radio. Hugh discussed issues facing young men in today’s society, as well as the recent assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh.
Rita Diller, the interim director of STOPP International, was recently interviewed on Ed Martin’s Pro-America Report. Rita introduced herself as the interim director and discussed how her experience will help her make a new future for STOPP.
Once a week, ALL’s Celebrate Life Magazine posts an editor’s blog on its website. The content can range from helpful advice to deep dives into current events. This week’s blog discussed the increased violence against pro-life establishments. The article was featured as an exclusive by LifeSiteNews.
Every Friday, ALL executive vice president Hugh Brown hosts a talk-radio show on the Radio Maria USA network. The show is a continuance of Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death and can be heard live every Friday at noon (ET). Each show features an update on what is happening in the pro-life world and frequently guests will appear on the show to provide first-hand updates and experiences.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Video of the Week – ‘Right to Privacy’ Court Anniversary Reminds Us of Contraception’s Devastation
On June 7, 1965, in its Griswold v. Connecticut decision, the Supreme Court struck down prohibitions against the use of birth control. The court engineered a right to privacy as existing in the shadows of the US Constitution. Thus began the darkest era in all human history.
To understand the catastrophic effects contraception has on the human body, Dr. Angela Lanfranchi provides a riveting presentation on the scientific proof of how the birth control pill kills.
Action Item of the Week – The National Men’s March to End Abortion and Rally for Personhood
Join the National Men’s March to End Abortion and Rally for Personhood, Saturday, June 11, 12-3, in Tallahassee, FL.
There is a man connected to every abortion. Men are a big part of the problem, and it’s time for all men to take responsibility to be a big part of the solution. All men of good will are needed for the March and everyone else is needed for the Rally. This is truly a battle for the soul of our nation. We highly encourage fathers to march with sons, and entire families to join in the Rally. Every life matters!
More information and updates are available at themensmarch.com or by texting MENSMARCH to 22828.
Pro-life Social Media – Pro-Life Advocates are Still Getting the Science Wrong
“Equality begins in the womb.” “Fatherhood begins in the womb.” “Social justice begins in the womb.” These are familiar phrases that regularly pop up on social media feeds.
Civil Rights begin in the womb! Longing to celebrate to overturn of Roe v. Wade and the compassion that we will continue to show to mothers, fathers AND unborn babies!https://t.co/fZPg8aRz6r pic.twitter.com/HBUB184WAv
— Evangelist Alveda King (@AlvedaCKing) June 8, 2022
It begins in the womb, long before the naked eye can appreciate its magnificence. pic.twitter.com/xO8ikPrSiP
— Human Coalition (@HumanCoalition) March 11, 2017
Women's rights begin in the womb! Very special collab with moms who've chosen life. Like if you believe in healthcare for ALL – including the preborn. #EmpoweredWomenEmpowerWomen #StrongWomenStartAsStrongGirls #ProLove #ProWoman #ProLife #MileysMomChoseLife #BabyCharlee pic.twitter.com/MBJkeZQzqL
— Save the Storks (@savethestorks) June 7, 2019
Peace begins in the womb! pic.twitter.com/wjGSlAnabx
— LifeNews.com (@LifeNewsHQ) January 1, 2019
Women's rights begin in the womb.
— Live Action (@LiveAction) August 11, 2018
Equality begins in the womb.
Human rights begin in the womb. pic.twitter.com/wIcF6yiI4I
The organizations and individuals who post these ideas have good intentions, but the science is all wrong. Most pro-lifers argue that “life begins at conception,” that at his biological beginning, a newly created human being comes into existence. His existence, however, doesn’t begin in the womb; it begins where most of us began—in the fallopian tube of our mothers (or, in rare cases, the bright rooms of IVF and experimental labs).
The illustration below will help dispel the myth that anything related to the rights of the preborn child begins in the womb.

So why is that pro-life people even suggest anything begins in the womb? Perhaps it goes back to the first chapter of the prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”
—Jeremiah 1:5
In a poetic way, Jeremiah was referring to God’s love for man. He wasn’t giving us a lesson on human embryology. Let’s be pro-active pro-lifers and correct the record every time we see this phrase. If we’re truly committed to protecting the most vulnerable among us, shouldn’t that include the single-cell human prior to his implantation in his mother’s womb?