Week in Review – Doctor Who Used Lethal Doses of Fentanyl Found ‘Not Guilty’; Media Attempts to Erase Women by Using the Phrase ‘Pregnant People’
Dr. William Husel was charged with 14 counts of murder by the State of Ohio. The doctor was accused of overdosing patients on painkillers such as fentanyl and benzodiazepines, which led to dozens of patient deaths. The doses of these drugs used were determined to be lethal.
A jury has since found him not guilty.
How does this happen? As a spokesperson for Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization (HALO) put it, . . . murder charges were dismissed in the name of “comfort care.”
HALO advisor Cristen Krebs, DNP, ANP-BC, stated in a e-alert from the organization: “And, so it goes . . . patients having their already fragile lives shortened with blatantly high doses of controlled substances beyond the standards of practice, while the professionals who order and administer these doses hide behind this concept of “comfort care.” We know it goes on in hospices around the country. And this verdict welcomes more of it.”
Sadly, this verdict correlates with the disregard we already see for the sick, dying, and elderly.
In September 2021, ALL president Judie Brown experienced this firsthand when the doctors assigned to her husband asked him not once, but twice, if he was “sure” he would want to be resuscitated if need be.
More flagrant disregard for human life and basic human dignity.
Since the beginning of President Joe Biden’s term, usage of the term “pregnant people” versus “pregnant women” has skyrocketed. This offensive term has increased so much that it garnered the attention of Fox News.
Fox News notes a disturbing push to erase women from motherhood, with the likes of the CDC and White House press secretary Jen Psaki emphasizing the phrase “pregnant people.”
Not surprisingly, The Washington Post, CNN, The New York Times, Vox, ABC’s Good Morning America, and USA Today are among the news outlets following suit in promoting the phrase.
As Fox News points out, this is all in line with the push to erase gender from the conversation. And not only to erase gender, but to devalue motherhood by cheapening terms that embrace femininity and womanhood.
ALL in the News – Hugh Brown joins Trending with Timmerie; CLM Blog Featured on LSN; Hugh Brown Continues Jim Sedlak’s Radio Legacy
On Wednesday night, Hugh Brown was a guest on Relevant Radio’s Trending with Timmerie. Hugh and Timmerie discussed Planned Parenthood’s disturbing antics, including the infamous abortion ice cream truck. The pair also discussed the many challenges young men face today, including, “Why do young men struggle to pray?” Listen to the replay of the show here!
Once a week, ALL’s Celebrate Life Magazine posts an editor’s blog on its website. The content can range from helpful advice to deep dives into current events. This week’s blog embraces May, the month of Mary and the Rosary! The blog was featured as an exclusive on LifeSiteNews.
This week, the bi-monthly STOPP Report was sent to its list of subscribers. This issue featured a thorough review on the discovery of the 115 preborn babies found outside an abortion mill in Washington, DC, as well as pro-life happenings around the country.
Every Friday, ALL executive vice president Hugh Brown hosts a talk-radio show on the Radio Maria USA network. The show is a continuance of Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Deathand can be heard live every Friday at noon (ET). Each show features an update on what is happening in the pro-life world and frequently guests will appear on the show to provide first-hand updates and experiences.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Video of the Week – God made street fighters, like Chris Slattery.
Chris Slattery and Expectant Mother Care has been an American Life League Associate since the early days of the program. Chris has been a valuable ally in the battle against Abortion, Inc., in New York City. LifeSiteNews profiles Chris in this five-minute documentary.
Action Item of the Week – Coming Soon to Theaters: The Matter of Life
We stand at a critical point in history, where abortion is being challenged in the highest courts. It is time that everyone understands the pro-life cause and forms beliefs on more than what is voiced in the media. Get your tickets now for the two-night-only film presentation that is scheduled to take place in select theaters nationwide May 16 and 17 only!
The Matter of Life speaks to the topic of abortion with tasteful reality and loving grace. Featuring the stories of women, former abortion clinic workers, historians, religious workers, pro-life atheists, and many more, The Matter of Life stresses entering this conversation with understanding, love, and support. Doing so is critical to save the lives of preborn babies and to care for the women who carry them.
For a “sneak peek,” more information, and to purchase tickets, visit thematteroflife.org.
Pro-life Social Media – Happy Easter!
There used to be a network television tradition. Every year around Easter, some film producer would release a documentary slamming Christianity and the early Church. The heretical Catholics for Choice is the Christophobic documentarians of Twitter, trying to distribute the most heretical, nonsensical claims against the Faith at a time when faithful Christians are celebrating Christ’s defeat of death. Catholics for Choice mocks the faith and celebrates the death of our preborn neighbors.
“Abortion is part of the life of the church.”
— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) March 25, 2022
–@jamielmanson #RNA2022
Ummmmm, newsflash y’all: queer people, like all of God’s children, are made in God’s image and likeness.
— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) April 19, 2022
God IS queer. Sorry, not sorry. 🖤🤎❤️🧡💛💚💙🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈#WeSaidWhatWeSaid
Pray for peace – in Ukraine, and around the world.#NoMoreWar
— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) April 19, 2022
Abortion is violence. Peace begins when we stop killing preborn children.
When you go to church this weekend, take a look around you at the people in the pews.
— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) April 16, 2022
Statistically, 1 out of every 4 women you see will have had an abortion. If you’re pro-choice &/or have had an abortion yourself, you’re not alone.
Abortion is part of the life of the church!
When you go to church, focus on Christ, not on the people around you. That’s why churches have coffee and donuts after services.
Tonight is Easter Vigil, where we gather together, watch together, pray together, and wait in joyful hope for the resurrection of Jesus.
— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) April 16, 2022
May we bring that same spirit of joyful hope to our work for abortion rights and reproductive freedom. Lord, hear our prayer!
— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) April 15, 2022
*Ahem. The least of our brothers includes preborn people.
Today, let us hold women in our hearts.
— Catholics for Choice (@Catholic4Choice) April 15, 2022
Women bore witness to the Crucifixion, cared for Christ’s body, and became the first to behold the Resurrection.
Though often overlooked/erased, women have been Jesus’s most steadfast disciples. We love & honor them, just as Christ did.
Who, exactly, does C4C think is “overlooked/erased”?
C4C is equating abortionists who murder preborn children with Christ, the Suffering Servant. Abortionists kill and take a profit. Christ took nothing and gave only Himself. All this might seem humorous, except that these tweets expose the heretical views held by an organization that prop up pseudo-Catholics like Pelosi and Biden. We’re not convinced C4C has much sway in Washington anymore, but it is preventing wayward, post-abortion Catholics from repenting.