Week in Review – Bishop Supports Priest Who Said Funeral Mass for 115 Babies; Popular Twitter Account Exposes the ‘Left’ for What it is
In the last issue of Pro-Life This Week, we discussed the discovery of 115 aborted children outside a Washington, DC, abortion facility.
In the article, it was mentioned that a priest had said a funeral Mass for all these children and then buried the 110 first-trimester babies. Until Holy Week, that priest’s name had not been revealed. It has since been disclosed that Father Bill Kuchinsky, who serves as a board member and spiritual advisor to American Life League, was the priest who fulfilled this faithful duty to these 115 children.
In a Catholic News Agency article, Father Bill says he was honored to play a part in the burial of these children. Father Bill’s bishop, His Excellency Mark Brennan of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston (WV) fully supports his actions, telling CNA:
Father William Kuchinsky’s Mass for and burial of around 100 children aborted at a Washington, D.C., abortion facility follows a long Christian tradition of practicing the corporal work of mercy for the dead, honoring their physical remains and burying them with love. I fully approve Father Kuchinsky’s caring actions. They remind us that these were real human children, not lifeless things—until their lives were unjustly taken from them.
A popular Twitter account is facing liberal backlash . . . for reposting things liberals have already posted.
The account, “Libs of TikTok,” is known for re-posting videos of teachers who force LGBT ideology on their students, some as young as kindergarten or pre-school age. The account was recently the subject of a WaPo exposé that not only shared the name of the anonymous account holder but included personal information such as her job and home address.
Despite these personal attacks on the “Libs of TikTok” account holder, she vows that she will not be silenced, stating that parents have a right to know exactly what is being taught to their children.
ALL in the News – Hugh Brown Takes Over Radio Maria Show; STOPP Report Features Deep Dive into Washington, DC, Story
Every Friday, ALL executive vice president Hugh Brown hosts a talk-radio show on Radio Maria USA network. The show is a continuance of Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (ET). Each show features an update on what is happening in the pro-life world and frequently guests will appear on the show to provide first-hand updates and experiences.
Once a week, ALL’s Celebrate Life Magazine posts an editor’s blog on its website. The content can range from helpful advice to deep dives into current events. This week’s blog is featured today on LifeSiteNews.
Last week, the bi-monthly STOPP Report was sent to its list of subscribers. The issue featured a thorough review on the discovery of the 115 preborn babies found outside a Washington, DC, abortion mill, as well as pro-life happenings around the country.

Twice a week, Judie’s commentaries are distributed to an expansive media list. The list contains over 100 media outlets, such as Fox News, The Federalist, Breitbart, and The Daily Caller, among others. Judie’s commentaries are each featured on the front page of ALL.org. Each commentary is also featured as a part of Judie’s recurring column on Renew America.
Video of the Week – Oklahoma Passed an Abortion Ban?
Oklahoma Republicans, along with several news outlets, claim the state has passed an abortion ban. Looking closely at the language of the law signed by the governor, it appears the ban exists on paper, but not in reality. We explain why in this 60-second video.
Action Item of the Week – An Easter Week Challenge from the Marian Blue Wave
He is risen! Hallelujah!
The Marian Blue Wave has a challenge for you this week as we celebrate Easter. Offer up your next Mass and Communion for a friend or family member in need; it is an act of love for the people in your life.
And always remember, we’re praying for each of you and for your intentions every day! Read this full reflection and challenge online here.
Pro-life Social Media – Happy Easter!
During the Octave of Easter, we came across this post from the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas in Brooksville, Florida. The Sisters posted this short video clip on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and it immediately went viral; we can understand why. Give it a listen.
And Happy Easter!