Week in Review – LIFE—a gift from God
You are receiving this the Friday before the entire pro-life community commemorates that terrible day in 1973 when the United States Supreme Court announced that it decriminalized the killing of God’s precious gift. In what can only be described as Satanic reasoning, seven men on the Court somehow concluded that it, and the American people, could correct God’s action of creating a new human being—with a specific purpose in life, given to him by the same God that created him.
We usually use this space to tell you what is happening in Congress and around the country and in states across the nation. We celebrate some good things and get upset with actions that are against life.
But today, we ask you to think not about the politics or the necessary action items.
Today we ask you to realize, as if for the first time, the enormity of what has been going on for 47 years in the United States. Those who are controlled by Satan want to get rid of everything God-related. First among their targets are the children created by Him in His image. Oh, these people cry about the earth, or rain forests, or water supplies, or what they can do with their bodies. But they forget that the earth, rain forests, water supplies and even the environment were all created by God. The same God who created man, “male and female He created them.”
After creating man, God gave him dominion over all else that He created. Man (male and female) was God’s greatest creation. He gave each man an immortal soul and wishes that every one of us would join Him for eternity in Heaven. He asks only that we love Him and follow 10 rules.
So what did America do? Well, beginning with Colorado in 1967, we began to tell people it is okay to kill God’s preborn children. The killing spread to 13 other states and finally, in 1973, the right to kill our Creator’s creations was said to be okay throughout the country. At least 60 million preborn children have died by surgical and medication abortion. Millions upon millions more have died through the actions of abortifacient birth control products.
If we look honestly at the United States today, it is a country that feels comfortable allowing Satan to have his way. It is a country—our country—that is reluctant to tell the simple truth— Life is a gift from God and we have no business killing God’s gift.
When will decriminalized abortion end in America? It will end when we all get down on our knees and pray for forgiveness. When each one of us sincerely asks, “God, what do You want me to do?” And when we actually do what God asks.
We must pray daily for the defeat of Satan. We must be willing to be uncomfortable. We must understand that, without God we cannot win. And, with God, we cannot lose.
Pray every day that the killing of preborn children will stop and America will, once again, see clearly that LIFE is a gift from God to be cherished, nurtured, and loved.
ALL in the News – Planned Parenthood Report Reaches Overseas Audience; Judie Brown Calls on Virginia Catholic Conference
Jim Sedlak’s statement highlighting Planned Parenthood’s recent loss of 400,000 donors continues to make an impression online. This statement was quoted in a Life Site News article, as well as in two overseas outlets— one in Russia and one in Poland.
On January 16, Judie Brown released a statement calling on the Virginia Catholic Conference to warn any Catholic legislators about the dire consequences of voting for Senate Joint Resolution 2, which would add abortion to the Virginia Declaration of Rights.
Judie’s weekly commentaries continue to be featured as a column on Renew America.
Jim Sedlak’s Pro-Life Activism from Creation to Death is a weekly talk-radio program on the Radio Maria USA network. The show can be heard live every Friday at noon (Eastern Time) and is repeated on Saturdays (10 PM).
Video of the Week – No Baby Left Behind
Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League and founder of STOPP International, stood before a group of Planned Parenthood protesters during a previous March for Life event. Jim reminded everyone that the core mission of the pro-life movement is similar to that of the military—never leave a pre-born baby behind.
Action Item of the Week – See you at BOOTH 321 next week
On January 22-24 in Washington, DC, is the National March For Life.
The three-day event culminates on Friday, January 24, with the 47th annual Rally and March.
As I write this, the 10-day weather forecast predicts it will be “generally sunny with a high of 47 degrees and 5 mph winds.” In other words, it will be perfect weather to come to the nation’s capital and show your love for all preborn children.
The March For Life Expo will take place in the Renaissance Downtown Hotel on 9th Street. The Expo features booths run by pro-life groups from across the country. It will be open on Wednesday night, all day Thursday, and on Friday morning before the March and Friday evening after the March.
American Life League will be in BOOTH #321 for all three days. The booth will feature information on the Marian Blue Wave. MBW is an initiative to have people from around the world commit to saying a Rosary a week with the specific intentions of ending all clinical, chemical, medical and surgical abortion and shutting down every Planned Parenthood facility in the United States.
We already have thousands of people who have joined the Marian Blue Wave and they have come from 29 different countries. Won’t you join us in this prayer effort?
If you won’t be in DC, you can still join by
Texting WAVE to 66866.
Pro-life Social Media – Women on Twitter Share the Painful Truth of Using IUDs
Radical feminists love to complain about the supposed inequality of healthcare. Being a woman is so much more expensive than being a man, apparently. Since men can’t give birth, what other medical costs do they deem to be unfair?
Birth control.
So, ultimately, the inequality isn’t so much being a woman—it’s being a sexually active unmarried woman. A woman saving sex for her future husband incurs less healthcare costs. We created a chart illustrating this:

We might also add the physical cost associated with a promiscuous lifestyle. In 2017, Emily Brown discussed the painful experiences of women who chose an IUD as a birth control method. And while hundreds of women on Twitter swear by the comfort and convenience of an IUD, hundreds more experience the opposite. So has this medieval method of contraception changed much in two years?
Nah. The nightmare continues:
An IUD literally ruined me and I’m so glad that’s over now. 2 years of pure hell just to not get pregnant https://t.co/hr2jWZOfs0
— Kemma (@kemmaj19) January 16, 2020
SCREENSHOT: A women got a copper IUD and was seeing things falling out of her. Her body was legit breaking down the IUD to GET IT OUT. It’s a foreign object & her body was not having it, listen to your body please 🙏🏼 pic.twitter.com/8BxN5sFUZ4
— illie (@healthillie) January 16, 2020
Just got an iud And I’m ready to d i e it hurt so bad. I’ve had one before but this one was worse !!!!!!
— Elli 🌱 (@ellibutto) January 16, 2020
I had an IUD put in for two months.
— ™️ (@bbrriina) January 16, 2020
I bled every single day & the cramps…. Some of the worst I’ve ever felt in my entire life.
Couldn’t move couldn’t do anything, would literally lay in bed moaning in so pain.
Got it removed so f’ing quick
i have the iud 10 yrs paragard i think. i like mine, only problem was when i got it i bled for two yrs and my cramps are terrible 😖
— diana (@pegodiana) January 16, 2020
“I think?” How does a woman forget what she has inside her reproductive organ?
My crotch hurts so much I’m physically in so much pain it hurts to sit down it feels like the glass in between my legs I’m having anxiety thinking my iud has popped out
— Sam Ann (@SamAnn57397817) January 16, 2020
Iuds are awesome until two years later your experiencing pain and find out it’s turned sideways and they have to get it out ASAP
— Kayla Stevenson (@TwistedKay92) January 16, 2020
Can I write an opinion piece on how bad IUDs hurt?
— MacKenzie Dexter (@mackenzied_25) January 16, 2020
iud is the worst pain I ever felt https://t.co/GA9u8B4DVv
— dej (@itsdejahx3) January 16, 2020
So much pain, and for what?
One Twitter user posted an image of her medical bill.
$4k for an IUD. Contraception is a human right. pic.twitter.com/DMHz501Jio
— itssadderday (@itssadderday1) January 15, 2020
The lesson in all this is clear. Sex is for
spouses. Promiscuity costs thousands. Abstinence is free.
And hormonal birth control can kill embryonic children.