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Communique – Apr. 2, 2004

in this issue: catholic parishes: CHICAGOcatholic politicians: GRANHOLM / KERRY / SEBELIUSeuthanasia: SCHIAVOpro-life: MORAL AUTHORITYresearch: CANCERunited nations: FERTILITYreminder: NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAYreflection for prayer: PSALM 34:14-16 catholic parishes CHICAGO: St. Sabina Catholic Church, which… 

Communique – Mar. 26, 2004

in this issue: abortion: IDAHO / NAACP / NEW YORK / SOUTH DAKOTAcatholic bishops: CAMDEN / PHOENIXcatholic politicians: KERRYeuthanasia: POPE JOHN PAUL IIinfertility: PONTIFICAL ACADEMYmedical schools: CANADApharmacists: CONSCIENCE / NEW HAMPSHIRE politics: GINSBURGreminder: NATIONAL PRO-LIFE… 

Communique – Mar. 19, 2004

in this issue: hot button issue: PRO-LIFE T-SHIRTSabortion: DEATH IN MICHIGANcatholic bishops: PHILIPPINES / SCOTLANDcondoms: WARNING LABELSpolitics: SANTORUM / TWO MASTERSpopulation control: SINGAPOREsex education: STRATEGY BACKFIRESstem cell research: LOBBYINGunited nations: UN FOUNDATION / UN… 

Communique – Mar. 5, 2004

in this issue: birth control mandates: CALIFORNIAconscience: WISCONSINeuthanasia: SCHIAVOopinion: PRO-LIFE ATHEISTplanned parenthood: TEXAS / WISCONSINpolitics: POPE JOHN PAUL II / USCCBru-486: CALIFORNIAstem cell research: HARVARDreflection for prayer: PSALM 79:8-9 birth control mandates CALIFORNIA: The state… 

Communique – Feb. 20, 2004

in this issue: catholic bishops: KANSASethics: SINGEReuthanasia: SCHIAVOfetal tissue: GEORGETOWNhuman cloning: KOREAmorning-after abortion pill: ECKERD / FDAplanned parenthood: TEXASpolitics: MISSOURIroe v. wade: NEW HEARINGreflection for prayer: MARK 8:34-36 catholic bishops KANSAS: Archbishop James Keleher is requesting… 

Communique – Feb. 13, 2004

in this issue: hot button issue: NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAYabortion: FLORIDA / SOUTH DAKOTAcatholic church: BISHOPS / POLITICIANSclinic regulation: VIRGINIAeuthanasia: SCHIAVOhuman cloning: KOREAin vitro fertilization: ISRAEL / ITALYmorning-after abortion pill: DELAYnaral: CHICKEN LITTLEplanned parenthood: CALIFORNIA… 

Communique – Feb. 6, 2004

in this issue: abortion: VIRGINIAcatholic bishops: BURKE I / BURKE II / MEXICOfetal tissue: GEORGETOWNnaral: PUNKplanned parenthood: TEXASpolitics: THE ROE EFFECTpostscript: YOUTH ACTIVISMreflection for prayer: MARK 6:10-12 abortion VIRGINIA: State Del. Robert Marshall (R-Manassas)… 

Communique – Jan. 30, 2004

in this issue: abortion legislation: KENTUCKY / SOUTH DAKOTAactivism: LIFE IS WORTH LIVINGbirth control: BRAZIL / SEASONALEcatholic bishops: BOSTON / MADISONethics: JUSTIFIABLE INFANTICIDEhuman cloning: NEBRASKAin vitro fertilization: RISKY BUSINESSmedia: POPE JOHN PAULplanned parenthood: ALASKA…