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Our Catholic bishops: Called to lead

Nearly three years ago, American Life League embarked on a serious campaign. We decided it was no longer possible to sit on the sidelines and watch while public figures, who claim to be Catholic, advocate, support, promote and vote for abortion.

Sickly stem cells

Politics in science is nothing new, but sometimes it is so blatant as to be downright discouraging. Recent reports suggest that those specific human embryonic stem cell lines that President Bush approved for use in 2001 are problematic.

A little Alito

We don’t usually make positive statements about political appointments or nominations until after we are certain that the person in question is really a true pro-life representative.

Communique – Oct. 28, 2005

in this issue: catholic education: CALIFORNIAeuthanasia: LIVING TO THE ENDhuman cloning: MISSOURIin memoriam: WELLINGTON MARAmorning-after abortion pill: REMINDERpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACT planned parenthood: KATRINA / WORLD POPULATIONpolitics: OREGONpractitioners: NEW JERSEYrhetoric: NARALru-486: CALIFORNIAstem cell research / ethical: CANADAstem… 

What’s in a name?

The news out of Topeka, Kansas proves a point – being a Republican is being whatever you want to be unless becoming a Democrat can aid in your defense of child killing.

Bad stuff comes home to roost

The New Jersey Legal Center for Defense of Life announced a victory for babies! A court has agreed that the center can proceed with its claim for an award of attorneys’ fees against the infamous Englewood abortion mill that is known publicly as Metropolitan Medical Services.

Communique – Oct. 21, 2005

in this issue: hot button issues: EMILY’S LISTabortion: DOWN’S SYNDROMEcatholic action: CHARLESTON / FARGO / SACRAMENTOdark side: ARCC / NARAL / PLANNED PARENTHOODmorning-after abortion pill: REMINDERpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACT philippines: ABORTIFACIENTSru-486: AUSTRALIAstem cell… 

Opportunity beckons

Pro-death Senator Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) is proposing that the U.S. Senate wait until a “date certain” in 2006 to vote yes or no on the human embryonic stem cell research funding bill (HR 810/S 471) that would lift the ban on government funding for the deadly practice.