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Communique – Dec. 9, 2005

hot button issues: ALITOabortion: FATAL TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME / MIFEPRISTONE (RU-486) / SUICIDE RATEScongress: CORD BLOODimposed death: SCHIAVOin vitro fertilization: GHOULISH PRATICEmorning-after abortion pill: ABORTIONpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACT prenatal diagnosis: ABORT EARLYstem cell… 

Colombia loves babies

Thanks to the phenominal work of our own Gualberto Garcia Jones, legal scholar and activist par excellence, a legal brief was filed a few days ago in defense of human beings who depend on their mothers for survival while in the womb.

Planned Parenthood hijacks Christ from Christmas

It’s the Christmas season, and those who would corrupt the Christian message are in high gear. At the same time, though, Christians are being more vigilant this year than ever about defending their rights to publicly celebrate Christ’s birth.

Plan B up for over-the-counter review again

Plan-B is a risky drug regimen that can take the life of a newly conceived baby. The federal government should never sanction abortion in any form, whether the means of death are chemical or surgical.

Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act is flawed

“At its roots, the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act ultimately establishes the legitimacy of abortion in federal law, and is therefore flawed legislation,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League.

Chris Rock has no place at the Academy Awards

“Pro-abortion Hollywood has sunk to a new low. Chris Rock, the person chosen to host the year’s premier entertainment awards show, has called abortion a ‘beautiful thing,’” said Erik Whittington, director of American Life League’s Rock for Life.

Catholic bishops urged to defend Terri Schiavo

“The battle to save Terri Schiavo from murder by starvation and dehydration grows more critical by the moment,” said Joe Starrs, director of American Life League’s Crusade for the Defense of Our Catholic Church.

Hollywood furthers the Culture of Death with Oscars

“Hollywood continues to pound the American public with the message that the lives of the disabled are not worth living; that such a life is a commodity that can be taken at one’s own whim,” said Shannon Flanagan, college outreach director of American Life League’s Rock for Life.