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The Most Ridiculous Item

Well, not that I want to follow what Bill O’Reilly does, but the storyof the Briton in her 60s pregant after IVF from ‘clone’ medic not only raises a lot of ethical questions but does seem patently ridiculous.

Insult To Mothers

Sometimes the unadulterated gall exhibited by Planned Parenthood shocks even me! For example, the President of Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, DC, Janice Martel Gaiter

Immigrants … Beware

Planned Parenthood’s web site has set aside a special section devoted to Serving Emerging Communities. Sounds innocent enough until you read the list which details all the places where immigrant and undocumented individuals may be located.

Slip-sliding to hell

A recent political analysis by Mark Rozell, “GOP resonance with Catholics could well be slip-sliding away,” focused attention on what some describe as a fissure between American Catholic voters and the Republican Party.

Communique – Apr. 28, 2006

in this issue: abortion: MICHIGAN / SURVIVORS OF ROEactivism: MOTHER’S DAYcatholic bishops: BRUSKEWITZcatholic colleges: GUIDEculture of death: EUGENICSeuthanasia: HOUSTONmorning-after abortion pill: BARR SAYSpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACTplanned parenthood: PETITIONstem cell research / ethical: ALZHEIMER’S /… Read More »Communique – Apr. 28, 2006