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When it’s not about you!

Women are told that reproductive health services are designed to better their lives. They are also told that anti-abortion zealots are infringing upon these services.

Communique – Feb. 17, 2006

in this issue: hot button issues: NATIONAL PRO-LIFE T-SHIRT DAY / PLANNED PARENTHOODabortion: RISKSeuthanasia: ADVANCE CARE PLANNINGin vitro fertilization: RISKSmorning-after abortion pill: NEW YORKorgan transplant: DOMINO THEORYpersonhood: RIGHT TO LIFE ACTschiavo: POLITICSreflection for… 

Best-kept secrets

I’ve had a number of folks comment on my appearance on Alan Colmes’ radio show this past Friday evening. It was a great experience

Jaded jewelry

When I read the latest from a Planned Parenthood afficianado, it nearly made me … well, I had just eaten. At any rate, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined a man making jewelry out of old, expired birth control pills!

How pro-life is new House leader?

Boehner, a Roman Catholic and graduate of Xavier University in Cincinnati, declared his intention to continue to fight for the rights of the unborn. He addressed a House Values Action Team by letter Tuesday

Senatorial semantics

This past weekend I listened to a pro-life Republican Catholic senator explain why it was acceptable for him, from a political perspective, to support the re-election campaign of a totally pro-abortion fellow Republican.